FFXIV: Starlight Celebration 2024 – In Game Event Showcase

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#FFXIV #Meoni #Dawntrail

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


20 thoughts on “FFXIV: Starlight Celebration 2024 – In Game Event Showcase”

  1. A place to leave my Santa alt, it’ll never close even after the event is over! And since they sell Dark Matter there, he can stay there and level by Daily Duty basically forever, the Gil rewards cover repair. Only the 3 dungeons open but he can become lvl 100.

  2. It's cool that it's an instanced area, but like again it's ALL aesthetic based. Where is the gameplay loop? This would have been awesome to incorporate some kind of fate system or roaming notorious christmas monster pop, or idk random item pop hunt of some kind. Like SOMETHING that involves actually PLAYING the game. Saying that this isn't just fetch quests because there is more quest text or because they put it in a zone deosn't change the fact that its still just talking to npc's one after another, AKA fetch quests.

    Also, im gonna keep harping on this because its kinda garbage, but where are the actual holiday items that people want for housing like Christmas Trees. The only ones they have are from 2014 and 2015 which are obviously now on the store, and the handful you could maybe find on the marketboard from then are 20mil a piece. Same with the other holiday items. And did you notice? On the item text this year it says "marketboard prohibited" meaning that they are trying to maximize the cash shop roi by gatekeeping content for the game. That's utter trash considering that this constantly updated content is supposed to be what our sub is paying for, meaning that they're double dipping with our subs to create limited time cash shop items and labeling that as content. Like wtf man, this is why people are leaving.

  3. One thing that doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere is that if you go to Jeuno, SE replaced the background music with the Starlight Celebration version used in FF11. It really is a great song for this time of year, and might even evoke a moment of nostalgia for any former FF11 players.

  4. I think for the fruit. You can go with crabapple. My parent’s have a crabapple tree in the front yard. It is interesting how you pronounce raspberries, but it’s pronounced as raz berries if you are interested. I still love the video.


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