FFXIV – So… We Did Hildibrand & Completed The EXTREMES!

So as the week rolls on Mike has finally completed the last of the Extremes of A Realm Reborn and he finally got around to the Hildibrand questline people have been telling him to do.

00:00 – Intro
00:51 – Extremes
10:52 – Hildibrand Questline
14:50 – ARR Patch Questing
Gear: https://preachgaming.com/shop/
Twitter: @Preachgaming
Live Stream – twitch.tv/preachlfw
Website: https://preachgaming.com/


38 thoughts on “FFXIV – So… We Did Hildibrand & Completed The EXTREMES!”

  1. I love the smile that preach has just talking about his journey so far in the vanilla of this game compared to wow, I can't wait for you to get even further in this game. As a wow convert myself im so happy i made the switch

  2. further clarification on "min ilvl": normally when you sync down in level, you are put at the BEST possible stats for that lvl. so for example, at lvl50(end off arr) the max ilvl was 130. so any fight you do that syncs you to 50 will put you at 130ilvl. but not all fights are designed to be fought at 130. base lv50 gear was around ilvl50, so there's 80 points of ilvl in-between a fresh patch 2.0 lv50 and patch 2.5 maxed lv50. so a min ilvl sync will FURTHER reduce your ilvl to the minium ilvl require at the time of release. so if leviathan ex originally required ilvl 100, selecting min ilvl would set you to ilvl100, instead of 130.
    basically, it counters the over gearing that happens over time within an expac

  3. To be fair, Ramuh Extreme is more of a "coming of age" for tanks because this is where the tank swapping is really emphasized, hence why most of the community see this as a difficult encounter due to the limited number of "decent" tanks, to the point that if a mentor who queues up in the Mentor Roulette as another class except tank, they immediately leave the trial kekw.

  4. Completely agree about the post ARR stuff, I really feel like as long as you like reading it’s perfectly fine or even good and easily enjoyable. Some people talk about it like it’s actively bad or painful but I have imagine those are the people that view say 3 hours of reading dialogue as 3 hours of wasted time

  5. You are in for a treat. You are getting very, very close. If you enjoy the filler stuff, God you're going to love how this ends.
    Also, grab the popcorn when you decide you want to do those last 2 quests. Massive cutscenes and huge plot twists.

  6. Briardien has a little stand-alone sidequest thing in Ishgard as well of his own. It's a bit more serious and it deals somewhat with a people having to deal with a new schism in religion and the truth behind it and how to go on now…

  7. I don't get the ui issue. How is it antiquated? I get if you just don't like how it looks, so be it. Blaming consoles for it is really weird too.

    Weird thing to get hung up on, i know.

  8. I really enjoy these videos as someone who followed you from World of Warcraft. Thanks for posting these! I don't get time to catch your stream, and usually catch some videos between work, and such things–while I eat! Can't wait to see more!! <3

  9. Oh boy, wait until you reach the real gaming in later expansions. It's literally mindlowing, and the music gets even better. There's some crazy mechanics. What you have now is the tip of the cake.

  10. Shiva was more of a 'Last Hurrah' boss done at the highest item level. She wasn't wholly designed to be super difficult. She was only difficult because back then you were dealing with 500 ping.

  11. I agree on the UI. even the old game Risen 1 has a better UI design. you clearly need some help or someone to setup your UI, there are many things which are not essential in certain situations and you can hide up to 70% of it conditionally. when I'm in combat I only see 3 hotbars and 2-3 enemy stats + my buffs debuffs for example
    P.S you will automatically become a way better player once you set it up right


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