FFXIV Static Issues got worse. Taking a break from Streaming On Twitch.

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To those new to the channel:
I’m an Entertainer, gamer & Twitch Streamer. Overwatch, League of Legends, Skyrim, Rust, CS:GO, Guild Wars 2, PUBG, Apex Legends, Dead by Daylight, Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us are amongst my favourites. I tend to enjoy many types of games.
Favourite Games by Genre:
Favourite Shooter: Overwatch
Favourite Single player RPG: Witcher 3
Favourite MMORPG: Final Fantasy XIV
Favourite MOBA: League of Legends
Favourite survival game: Rust
Favourite Story telling game: Final Fantasy XIV
Favourite Multiplayer Character: Thancred (FFXIV)
Favourite Single player Character: Geralt Of Rivia (Witcher 3)
Favourite Fighting game: Injustice
Favourite Stealth Game: Metal Gear Solid + Assassin’s Creed
Favourite Single Player Game Developers: CD Projekt Red (Witcher 3)
Favourite Multiplayer Game Developers: Square Enix (FFXIV)
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13 thoughts on “FFXIV Static Issues got worse. Taking a break from Streaming On Twitch.”

  1. Take your time, man. Been through static drama before myself and it BLOWS. Games are supposed to be fun, so take as much time as you need to get back in the right mindset.

    Will be waiting, see you then!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that.
    You're one of the funniest FFXIV personalities and we'll definitely miss you but take your time and come back when you're ready.

  3. Take as much time as you need, nobody wants you to put a smile on if you don't feel like it. Been through a lot of drama and stress myself, so I know, that this shouldn't be taken lightly.
    Keep your head up high and stay positive, enjoy the time with your new static, we'll continue supporting you, and 'till we see each other again in stream, stay healthy and watch after yourself m8. : )

  4. Take all of the time you need, health and working through is what matters. For what it's worth you refined my ninja game and I learned a lot from your videos and enjoyed all of the content I've seen.

  5. So sorry to hear FF raiding scene is giving you stress. For a β€˜friend’ who has known you for 10 year this friend should be more forgiving….

    P4S is rough. Take a break and heal. I love your content.

  6. I'm so sorry to hear πŸ™ I've never had static drama in FF cause I just leave if I even smell the hint of BS. Take a break and take care of yourself <3

  7. Leading a static is hard. I used to lead an entire guild in Aion consisted of 50+ people. Despite how I worked hard by maintaining our community website up, which I paid out of pocket, keeping fair distribution of loot, leading an invasion in the rift for PvPvE, and so on, drama still broke out. Few months later, I was the only member in that guild and I never felt so alone at that time. By my luck, there was a FF14 2.0 Beta which I took advantage of and rest are I found a perfect static for raid which we are still doing it to this day. Just hang in there bud. Good will come for those who are patient


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