FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3 Reactions (Elidibus, Exarch, too many tears)

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16 thoughts on “FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3 Reactions (Elidibus, Exarch, too many tears)”

  1. Matt Stokoe, Elidibus's voice actor, took the character from practically a nothing entity to someone with so much emotional depth that it almost made me feel like I had whiplash. "We will meet again. We *will*. We will…" never ceases to take my stoicism and snap it in two.

    I'm sure plenty of folks have said this, but 5.3 is the first patch they released after the pandemic hit. To have a story filled to the brim with tragedy and happiness, joy and sorrow, was such an enormous boost in a time when so many of us needed it.

  2. I think "Master Matoya" wants to be the dominant one in that relationship.

    Rebuff his advances, take the initiative and go on the attack. 😂

    p.s. I enjoyed sharing in your getting emotionally drawn and quartered. Good to know I am not alone!

  3. Oh, Louisey you sweet Summer child. Shadowbringers is one big rollercoaster of feels. You reach the end of that attraction when off in the distance you see a newer, flashier ride called Endwalker- which you're gonna want to get in line for! You think you got hit in the feels now!! Bring plenty of tissue.


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