FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3 Reaction – BEST ENDING BEST PATCH SO FAR

Shadowbringers definitely surpassed Heavensward in my heart

open me ! expand me ! 😀

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What a journey this expansion was did not expect to spend the entire 5.0 and 3 post patches in the First.. and im glad we did
Honestly if there was no more issues in the Source it would be a almost perfect ending for FFXIV.
There won’t be any reactions of Shadowbringers after this one, the next one would be when i finally start Endwalker !
I will tweet when i start if you are interested in joining me in the journey 🙂 !

0:00 Intro
0:10 Graha stops the warriors
6:40 Warrior of Light
15:52 The Trial
18:33 Graha makes everyone cry again
30:12 Cats
32:46 Goodbyes
35:30 Best cutscene of 5.3
43:05 Crazy duo

#FFXIV #FinalFantasy14 #Gaming #Kibuoon #Kibu #Kib


1 thought on “FFXIV Shadowbringers 5.3 Reaction – BEST ENDING BEST PATCH SO FAR”

  1. It's the smallest thing, but nothing gets me quite like A) Y'shtola having (apparently without discussion) assumed Ryne's task of imbuing Thancred's cartridges and B) Urianger giving her shit about wanting to finish her tea. The bond between this group makes it feel both very real and like you're really a part of it.


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