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#FFXIV #Meoni #dawntrail
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By Masayoshi Soken
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Really hope it goes well this time. Fingers crossed for stable servers <3
This community never fails to inspire me. There's so much passion and intellect in every exchange.🧡
Yeah I can't have what happened to me for endwalker. That was terrible 😞
Hyped to be back in game and for dawntrail
Just got DCed today in an duty and now im getting constant 90002 errors unable to log in, same situation as your video a few weeks ago. How did you get this fixed?
I’m trying to play lots in the morning to hopefully it will be shorter.
I am not looking forward to the long que's. My Server already had a que everytime i log in now as it is.
Gonna be interesting here in OCE to see the overflow wave coming in
As a dynamis player i hope we get priority que cause it be unfair to those native to suffer with the wave of people coming in
50% increase for server capacity is nuts. nice job square
What we need is the ability to see who's online in our FCs and also talk in FC chat when visiting another server e.g. Chaos to Light, EU to OC etc – and form parties and do cross-server content (dungeons, raids, trials etc)
I had a blinding flash of insight watching this, I think "Early Access" could be a way they are splitting the traffic between content/zones and logins (to a more limited extent) People are going to be most active in my experience for about a week then start to taper off, by releasing the valve on the players likely to slam the caps early it would ease the pressure on actual release day some.
I just hope you don't get kicked for being afk for like 20 min. as it did for Endwalker release….that or getting randomly kicked from the server
So still not allowed to create a character in Shadow DC even they official release the expansion
I just hope we don't have to wait hours again to log in 😬 as soon as you're in I never encountered any issues but the wait was absolutely awful 😢
Still not sure if I should preorder or not. To either normal release and early access the queues will be insane for at least 2 or 3 weeks anyway
I have faith that all the background work they have been doing will pay off
Nothing but respect for your work. Never been able to figure out why. But you're my preferred FFXIV creator. If I know you'll likely make a video on the topic, I wait for your content to drop.
Anyway just wanted to talk about something that always comes up. There will most likely be crashes. This isn't an SE is lazy or cheap thing, which gets mentioned every expansion. Servers aren't cheap. And they actually have to be built to spec. SE can't ramp up new servers once crashes start.
The main reason is temporary need. The initial rush never lasts long enough to justify the time and expense. Because it would leave SE with a load of dead servers once the rush tapers off. I get buying a new game and not being able to play is frustrating. But no company wants to turn away paying customers. This preemptive expansion is them literally doing everything they can to make sure we can all play. With that said best of luck clearing "Queue Extreme"🫡
Take care and have a good one
When ever you get "Error 2002" you are mandated to play FFXI while you wait (FFXI released the year 2002 😉)
I'm thankfully on a very low pop server which is on Dynamis DC actually, but I hope the best for everyone regardless! Hope we all won't have to wait too long to login!
while i dont mind peeps coming to oce since we got space. those of us in oce should get priority to log in since we are of the server and not visiting to ease other servers
Gonna be honest, I'm used to releases and queue times, what I hope goes smoothly, is everything else. No DC's or Error codes turning this into an unpleasant time.
So in other words, tl/dr: expect loooonnnngggg queues and frequent disconnects…. Same as always 🤣
Not allowing ppl to pay for subscription is one way to avoid server congestión lol
I feel this won't help at all. I found over 100 people. In Cactuar that shouldn't be there. Like go back to your server….
Triple weaving on 400ms
I'll be on Vacation the week it comes out , I'm fine with waiting so hopefully I come back to it calming down
I have an alt on Dynamis, and it currently always has a queue
I’m really hyped for the new expansion! That said hopefully the queues won’t be as horrendous as Endwalker.
Hope its not too bad, imagine it taking an hour to login, you get the fantasia and then you have to logout to use it and it takes you another hour to get back in, not good.
Não me importo muito com as filas gigantes, contando que quando eu conseguir entrar no jogo a conexão não caia constantemente… (Algo que já tem acontecido mais do que o normal nos últimos dias…)
We're a week away from maintenance I haven't seen login ques being even close to what they were this close to previous expansions. Whether ir the payment method problems or other reasons. We're sitting at HW launch numbers not EW's
If you're on free trail expect to wait until at least the week after 7.01 to play
This is my first time being able to experience an expansion on release — Can i ask how long this intense congestion usually lasts for?
As incredibly excited as i am to see all the new things, i'm torn between trying early access, or just waiting for things to calm down a bit~ 🤔💭