FFXIV ROLEPLAY! – We Can Go To A Nightclub?!

One day when mike was playing, he noticed someone in our FC mention going to a nightclub, and that got him interested. Thankfully the lovely folks over at Black Sapphire, invited us to the grand reopening of their nightclub in game and stepping a bit into the world of RP.

The experience was something special.

Goldshire Footage: mickitysplit – https://youtu.be/rnLe64VXYkk
DJ: DJMannmade – https://www.twitch.tv/djmannmade
Gear: https://preachgaming.com/shop/
Twitter: @Preachgaming
Live Stream – twitch.tv/preachlfw
Website: https://preachgaming.com/


21 thoughts on “FFXIV ROLEPLAY! – We Can Go To A Nightclub?!”

  1. As of like this past week I've been relicing my college days hoping club to club across aether every night. I've always been a pure pve combat guy who never cared for rp at all. This kind of stuff has, not so much changed my mind, but made me decide how important the rp scene is.

    Preach, you nailed it, it's a super important part of the game. My new routine after my static meets is to go meet people and start crafting my rp skills

  2. I love watching everyone enjoying FF14 in their own way. It's taking the world by storm. If we keep supporting the games and development idea's we enjoy, we will be rewarded with more of it. Do not support sub-par development of systems and gameplay we do not want.

  3. I am so glad you found this corner of the FFXIV community! It really is an amazing experience, one that you actually cannot get in any other MMO. The FFXIV community is awesome and so are the devs for giving us the tools so we can do stuff like this! <3 Love your FF videos Preach, continue enjoying the game!

  4. I'm not looking to be toxic but every time I see these kinds of things I think "fuck blizzard so much". So many people have been betrayed by them. I quit a while back and not planning on going back. They lure you with the changes we've been asking for for years but at the same time they're showing that they're not listening to us at all. Our else they would've stopped their crusade of removing stuff and throwing money in the bin. Thanks for reading my ted talks!

  5. The RP scene in XIV is very cool, and everyone who has even a slight interest in just having fun like this, should definitely check it out. You never know, you might end up liking it and making some incredible friends.

  6. The new Pokémon game brilliant diamond and shining pearl is better then wow smh …. It has player housing IMPROVED from the original game .. and I better rpg feel , how sad Blizz

  7. Initially when I saw this, I didn't quite get it, as the "dancing" and general partying are just… ya know, they're emotes. It can be amusing, but it's nowhere even remotely the same as ACTUALLY dancing, and ACTUALLY feeling the bass, and the lights, and all that other jazz you get at a real club or show.

    BUT, seeing how it really breaks down into a social things with people just meeting up and having conversations and talking, THAT makes much more sense to me. I can see why someone would be interested in that. I don't think I COULD, honestly, because I am generally bad at/disinterested in small talk, so I'm not generally good at trying to talk to strangers in these kinds of scenarios… but I can definitely see how it could be interesting, especially during pandemic times where many of us aren't really getting out quite as much as we used to >_>


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