FFXIV Recruit A Friend Campaign PS4/5 Or PC

Hello my Wolf Pack! In this video of FFXIV, I explain and show you everything you would need to know about the recruit a friend campaign! I show you where to go and what to do as well as I show you everything that you and your friend/s can get by participating in the recruit a friend campaign with FFXIV! Please feel free to ask any questions you may have about recruit a friend that I may not have covered in this video or if I need to clarify anything.

Thank you so much for watching my video!

#FFXIV #MysticShepherdGaming #RecruitAFriend



6 thoughts on “FFXIV Recruit A Friend Campaign PS4/5 Or PC”

  1. Brilliant absolutely brilliant video mystic very well explained too its so cool that your able to recruit other players in this fantastic game and not only that but you and your friend that you recruit gets rewards too absolutely amazing. I love the area at the start of the video with that crystal in the ceiling very cool stuff and your character with the sword and shield looks incredible and your chockabo will the spinning blade is so cool especially with that awesome animation and that area at the 6.40 minute mark is so cool and pretty looks like a mix between a theater and a disco room very awesome thanks for the amazing video mystic absolutely phenomenal work 👍


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