FFXIV – Raid Leader loses his MIND while Recruiting For UWU – Let's Educate Them

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26 thoughts on “FFXIV – Raid Leader loses his MIND while Recruiting For UWU – Let's Educate Them”

  1. Hi, I'm the dude from the conversation. Thanks for making this! I'm a new raider and honestly the things he said were super discouraging but it looks like the community is on my side. I'm ready to jump back in and get the clear!

  2. Its crazy I got kicked from a fc for just trying to discuss p3… strats p3s… as a new player I simply disagreed with elmo and liked the ilya strat better and hmm trr… ye ๐Ÿ˜‚ it really sad that I got kicked for simply disagreeing

  3. the only thing parses could provide is experience, and if they can do enough damage to meet the check. the latter being significantly easy now for the fight in question.

  4. people put way too much value into ultimates, they're not that special, just like any other content in the game you learn the mechanics and that's it… The only difference is that it will take a bit longer because the fights are longer and more punishing

  5. It's not even about the logs or the content, his attitude was absolutely f* disgusting. I've had brand-new raiders message me with no Savage exp whatsoever wanting to join my groups (that they clearly cannot participate in) and I've always tried to give them as much advice as possible on how to get started in Raiding, not scream at them.. This guy should not be raid leading. What a champion. GreatCommunityBtw(TM)

  6. Really is a shame. Such behaviour only leads to a bad raid enviroment even if you clear the tiers and raids with it. It will always be better for the longterm of the team to have nicer enviroment and acceptence that everybody has their own learning curve. Only thing that matters to me is if people are genuinly trying to do the mechanics right, keyword on there is genuin. At the end it does not matter if you kill it 2 weeks faster or slower if you had fun the whole way through. My group killed uwu last week and yeah, dps check is pretty easy to achive but a single mistake can still wipe the whole group. So if you want your group to focus on mechanics and the raid there should not be this kind of a toxic enviroment. At the end it is only counter productive

  7. What a jerk >:Y – Sorry you had to deal with that man.
    This is why they'll never allow DPS meters in FF14 because of toxic jerks like them. I'll take a good attitude over a good parse any day, thank you very much. ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ’ข

  8. Off topic for the convo but that assassin's creed glamour looks amazing, may I know where you got it from? Also love the vids, your ninja guides have helped me out a ton

  9. Personal Opinion?
    If you clear content, you cleared it and you earned it.
    Parsing means nothing, so long as you've cleared it.
    If you want to Parse? Sure, that's your personal choice, but that doesn't factor into whether a person deserves it or not.
    The reason it doesn't factor into it is the simple fact that you have actually cleared content gets you the clear.
    Whether it's a purple parse or a grey parse.
    Sure, call me a casual or something over all this but it doesn't matter. If you can simply make the clear, then nothing else matters.

  10. Itโ€™s always the people who are like โ€œFF is too easy if you donโ€™t do the ultimates or savage raising you arenโ€™t a real playerโ€ that are the most toxic

  11. Requiring a 90 parse in all fights of the current tier for an uwu group is like requiring someone to bring a flamethrower to lit a bonfire. It will work, but talk about an overkill.

  12. I will never understand try hards like this, it's a game, you look more than goofy acting this precious over a game. No one actually cares if you can beat an ultimate or not, the s**t is just for fun, or it's supposed to be.

  13. Guys some of these people you have to ignore. They are, literally, trolls in every way. They talk shit, They demand high parses for fights that don't even need high parses. In all reality since I played WoW for 17 years and I know the mentality of that game, it makes me think this guy was from there. And after playing that game for 17 years, left it in May 18th of 2021, I say to hell with him and his shitty attitude and trying to bring it here to FFXIV. Stop responding to him and put him on ignore and just enjoy the game ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. As Zenos said many times, it's the test of your reflexes. And more importantly, test of character. The hardest part about old ultimates are spending months with 8 strangers and maintaining patience.


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