FFXIV Quick Tip – Dyes

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6 thoughts on “FFXIV Quick Tip – Dyes”

  1. Eli mentioned it but yeah, you don't have to take items fully out of the dresser. On the menu where you put in or take out items in the dresser, you can right-click them (not sure what the equivalent is on controller) and dye them there. Specifically, it's the menu that you can't see your character.

  2. This is so true sir, i realize this when i tried to dye with cheap dye on the glamour plate creation, when i change and want to revert back, the colour disappears, so yea that's a way to save gil, honestly pure white and jet black is sooooo expensive

  3. Yeah I've been doing this because of that especially with expensive dyes or dyes you can't just buy in one of the shops for cheap price. As others said you can also dye it in the menu before you get on the glamour plate which is also easy instead of taking out individual pieces.

  4. The only item I have done this with is the 2b bottoms. If we got the top that matched with the cream colour they would be ok made but that Shade is not nice to see on knickers IMO so I dyed them black


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