FFXIV PVP Machinist The Power House Solo Experience

In todays I continue the Solo Experience series this time on the Seal Rock sporting the one and only Machinist, a roll with explosive burst damage racking up 13 kills and 1.3 million damage.

#ffxivpvp #ffxivcommunity #ffxiv

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11 thoughts on “FFXIV PVP Machinist The Power House Solo Experience”

  1. I love machinist in pvp 😍 their damage and their rotation is just, chef kiss. Also pvp right now has been awful :/ nonstop 1v2 even if that one alliance is last place. Being cornered by two teams at base so that they can hog the nodes is just frustrating. Wish that alliances can get immunity if they are pushed or attacked near base for a long period of time.

  2. I'm new to pvp and rolling with MCH but on average i only end up with about 2 kills and maybe 15 assists. My targeting needs work and the moment I get into a fight I lose track of the map. The next thing I know i'm the only friendly blip in a sea of enemies.

  3. Thanks for the vid! Very helpful for seeing the mindset not only as a mch but frontlines in general. One question though, I see that you have both a macro for analysis and bishop, and I'm assuming bishop is just a ground target macro, what is the analysis macro used for?


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