FFXIV Endwalker Smileton Dungeon Boss Guide

FFXIV Endwalker Smileton Dungeon Boss Guide, featuring Endwalkers 2nd level 90 dungeon.

0:00 Intro
0:21 1st Boss
2:29 2nd Boss
4:15 Final Boss
6:20 Outro

The aim of this guide and my guide series will be to be as quick and easy to understand as possible, so you don’t have to spend too long looking at guides and you can also skip to the bosses you don’t know via the timestamps! Any feedback is much appreciated and please enjoy the video!

These guides will most likely be bonus videos along with my regular daily uploads as I want to get Endwalker guides out there as soon as possible but still make content for my other game related audience! Please understand that I might make these my daily uploads instead if time is strict but I shall do my best to do my regular daily upload and bonus guide videos !

Follow my Twitch, I’m live everyday! https://www.twitch.tv/azuriterpg
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#ffxiv #endwalker #guide


2 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Smileton Dungeon Boss Guide”

  1. Thank you so much for this. My first time running this dungeon was awful, I was rushed and never got the chance to try and learn these as I had to constantly panic heal either myself or the tank that kept pulling multiple groups out of range or around corners.


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