Start – 00:00
P1S – 01:05
P2S – 09:44
P3S – 16:29
P4S – 23:20
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I know that buff alignment exist. This is the first time I'm seen an explanation for it. Thank you.
Thx for this explanation I really needed something like that to elevate my tank gfameplay to the next stage ^^
P2s how can you pull the impossible
This is a really good video for statics that lack a veteran presence in their group. This is something my static has learned to do naturally overtime, but the finer details about pot timing and job specific burst windows is good to know.
Delaying your 2 minutes as a SMN is so annoying. I cant choose delaying it for 1 or 2 GCD's i always have to wait 15 seconds. It really sucks but i have to get used to it when i switch to the Spellspeed Build someday. In general i really hate p3s as a SMN cause you throwing away so much Lego potency due to Downtime.
While all the reasonings are on point, your choice for appraisal timing seems questionable when a lot of 2 minute CDs are cast at around 7 seconds into the fight, ala Red Mage Embolden, Monk Brotherhood, hell Bard Battle Voice in the current Balance opener. So while the reasonings for that specific time are accurate, this completely ignores the timing for any of those classes.
Is it weird that I’ve never done this and cleared most of the savage fights? Just seems kinda token
I wish one day my live as PF warrior will end, and buff alignment actually matters.
Thanks for this video Happy. Even for players like me who don’t do Savage it’s really helpful to learn, especially things to consider like if everyone will benefit from your buff.
Using Dragon Sight in P1S is funny because I run around like a headless chicken finding my tether partner before running back to my spot in the last second before the damage goes out
I remember enjoying the succint, generic explanation given in the recent Weekly Q&A episode. That video may have prolonged the Scriptwriting Marathon, but I'm going to value the advice within!
I just started savage raiding for first time ever, don't have a static so just pug for me. Very thankful for resources like this that I can use to improve myself, thanks Haps
A couple of thoughts.
On P4 phase 2, it's not worth screwing over your first two buff windows just to get a full buff window on enrage. At best, you only screw over one window and you end up just moving damage from an earlier buff to a later one, so you break even. At worst, you're screwing over two windows and it's an overall DPS loss. It's better to get the first two aligned well, rather than planning around something you may not even see.
Aligning Searing Light is … painful. Delaying it means delaying Bahamut, and you're stuck spamming Ruin 3. One or two GCDs isn't terrible, but more than that is asking for trouble. Unless you end up needing to delay it until after Bahamut, but then it doesn't line up with your burst … feelsbadman
Okay. Maybe I'm just dense but htf do you keep track of all this? I don't see a timer on the screen. The buffs for other players are tiny. I don't see how a static would coordinate all this much less doing this in PF. I get that the cool downs have been better aligned this expansion but what happens if you die, if you missed a GCD? I get that there are 3rd party add-ons that would help with this but how do people who don't use those operate? How is anyone with a normal brain suppose to do this? Cause we can't all be Mr. Happy. His capacity to learn, retain, access and communicate information is God-tier.
I was literally going to see if there was a youtubw video for this topic today, i cant time with the buffs for SHIT
Note about P2S: Since you can get 3 pots, you could hold the last set of 2 minutes and the very last set of 1 minutes for potion to come back up again, but then again, this is meant for pugs and I don't think this kind of communication will happen in party finder outside of experienced raiders doing min ilvl
Class specific question, but maybe some Dragoons can answer it. In P1S, my dragon eye comes up right at the beginning of intemperance 1, do I hold it until after the mechanic ends and I can be near enough to dps players again or do I pop it on cooldown and give it to the nearest tank?
I'm a new player and got already shit for having my Trick Attack not alligned with the team(eventho I really tried to lol).
Funny thing is, me ignoring others peoples timing and just sticking to constant cd uptime increased my rpds so much I jumped from 70sth parse to top 100players(like top 18on EU?) on ex trials for example(and that with even with bad teams) lol
Still a really good video Happy, would appreciate it for the rest of the runs aswell. Especially on 3 idk wtf to do when
Align raid buffs. Meanwhile: comp is RPR, SAM, MCH, BLM, WHM, and SGE. Your only getting arcane lol.
Should then make a guide that teaches people the actual fight for P1S instead of forcing player to do the DMG down strat which is not doing the fight correctly. :).
2:16 in full screen… Mr.Happy controls your YouTube remotely.
good rule of thumb, use your raid buffs as you gather for a mech. Even if it means delaying it a few seconds, happy right, always make sure you hit the whole party with your raid buffs.
With Arcane Circle telling you how many people you hit with it its great to learn buff alignments with, for positions atleast. Learnt that i should stay in the middle for p1s intemperance and learnt to wait for after numbers in p2s. If only party finder wasnt a complete mess of everything ^^
FINALLY someone makes a video on this
Just finished this goddamn instance and I've never felt so furious in my life.