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Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Twitter: Youtube: Subscribe to see more …
Love your videos; what do you think the easiest class is to solo POTD in 5.5? It seems like more people have cleared on MCH than any other job (based on the score website); although mch has a tougher time on 180 than RDM it seems really good for a majority of the time.
Also, I couldn't really find any good information about what the best way to farm potsherds is; how do you typically do it? I've had Necromancer on my mind for 2 expansions now, and I think I'm finally going to push for it in the downtime before Endwalker. Your videos have been really helpful
do you have any videos purely discussing strategy options for the 180 and 190 bosses for dps classes?
Why all the pausing and the gap when you stopped attacking before meteor?