FFXIV Podcast Aetheryte Radio 208: Letter from the Producer LXVII

Join Fusion, Aldianaux and Rook as they explore the ups and downs of the latest Live Letter!

Check out our write up here:

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2 thoughts on “FFXIV Podcast Aetheryte Radio 208: Letter from the Producer LXVII”

  1. On the topic of the job quests (coming from the perspective of someone thats done ALL of them) I wish all the writers where on the same page that the lvl 80 ones are the LAST ones because id say most of them do not feel that way. And let me also say, it sucks HARD that Dancer wont get any job quests that take place in Thavnair. Ultimatly I respect the choice to drop them since theres so many, I just wish the conclusions to those quests where all satisfying instead of just a handful


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