FFXIV Players Are Leaving The Game? Reaction To Cole Evyx

Check out Cole Evyx, he is awesome !
Here is the original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS-GDnK4JqA

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37 thoughts on “FFXIV Players Are Leaving The Game? Reaction To Cole Evyx”

  1. Man is it fatiguing to hear the same non-solutions parroted over and over, the content-mill cycle could really use some diversification lol. It's not hard to point out content that we don't enjoy, but it's significantly harder to fomulate good opinions about how to address that. And that's what so many of these videos boil down to, repeating valid pain points with the game content and rewards and then making wildly off-mark opinions about why or how to fix it.

    "The only reason hunt trains are popular right now is tome farming for relics" / "Tome-only relics aren't a satisfying grind"
    If farming the new relics isn't keeping people engaged, one has to wonder why so many people are doing hunt trains to farm them.

    "Exploration content keeps people engaged for a long time" / "New players aren't sticking around for endwalker's content"
    If exploration zones have longer replayability, why aren't people going back to them? Why are the zones dead? Why did they die? Why aren't new players gravitating to that content?

    "I have no interest in going back to get additional relics from older expansions" / "Making the new relics easier devalues the grind relics represent"
    So we're just supposed to have some huge piece of content every expansion that no one goes back to and new players don't pick up, just to preserve the uniqueness for people who were in the right place with nothing to do in game but spend a bunch of time on it before it became dead content?

  2. Cole's video is a perfect example why raiding in MMORPGs does not work for me at all. You get completely disconnected from your character by this tabletop perspective overloaded with icons, markers, bars and effects. In Addition, gameplay feels more like some action hopscotch than an RPG. If the item system is not rewarding as well and individual character development nonexistent, I would play classic RPGs instead.

  3. its fairly simple, instead of working on content that is lasting, they made variant/criterion and island sanctuary
    no relic grind, no adventuring foray
    feels like back in the day when i played wow during warlords of draenor, there is nothing to do

  4. Oh and "just make the gear more interesting" is a silly idea. FF14 isn't a loot game and trying to make it into one clashes with pretty much every encounter design the game throws at you.
    BETTER REWARDS and/or rewards you must work for have worked in the past for ff14 I don't see why can't we return to that. However trying to redesign the wheel just doesn't make any sense.

  5. I'm of the camp that hasn't forgotten that Yoshi P has actively encouraged people to take a break from FF14 when they aren't finding it fun. Take a few days, weeks, months, whatever you feel like and go do something like play other games, go watch some Netflix/Movies, etc.

    Have youtubers and streamers that make content on FF14 forgotten about that? So what if there is a lull in content? It's only natural. When the patch comes out, you get those that play through it. Some blaze through the stuff in a week or two but then you have the casuals who have Real World responsibilities and can't dedicate that much free time to blitzing through the updated content.

  6. Ahh I see the algorithm is now in the negative phase for ffxiv, just give it until the next update so we can see the algorithm switch again until the content creators run out of content and decide its time to start doing the doom and gloom videos for algorithm views.

  7. I just came back to 14 like a month ago and i am having alot of fun i been playing less since Mortal Kombat 1 came out, and i will suspend my account when spiderman 2 comes out, and probably wont come back until after FF7 Rebirth or the release of Dawn Trail

  8. I think the biggest thing is that the Endwalker is just a natural ending point. We played an amazing story, got to know wonderful characters, and it's the perfect place to let them sail off into the sunset and move on to a new adventure… in another game.

  9. The reason I quit is because once I finished MSQ it was absolutely painful to level other jobs. I managed 4 of them but after that I just got bored. Then crafting professions was unnecessarily complicated.

  10. Just started playing seems full of players to me, only problem is I cannot find a single video on YouTube that is doing anything more than complaining and discussing whether the game is dead or dying.

  11. I don't care what others say, the game is pretty repetitive on its cycle. Get tomes every week. Get gear. Wait til next week. Get tomes. Get gear. Wait til next week. Do that for 2-3 months. Do other patch content that takes 1-2 hours to do. Done. There's no incentive to play continually. It's at the point where I boot up the game and as soon as I'm logged in, I just stare at the screen like, "Ugh… what am I doing?"
    As far as raids, so what? Do them a couple times. Whether you get gear or not, it's just do the same thing that takes one hour a day every week for a couple months. But yeah, if I ever want to actually do something, I'm pretty bored now when que's are 10+ minutes even as a Tank job. I'll just turn the game off if I reach that type of que.
    Honestly, I would like all battle content to have a solo version even on release. 8 man raid? But don't want to play with 7 people who have a smooth brain? No problem; you can do a solo version of it with the same rewards.
    Socially speaking, I also feel like "let's not offend people" mentality that is extremely prevalent in this game is damaging to the majority. If I want to say one of the forbidden slurs, but I can't or I'll get banned, that hurts my enjoyment. People having to tip toe around others' feelings is destructive to the player base. I learned much better when people were calling me out for doing stupid in a fight. Now everyone just stays silent and lets the person keep doing stupid over and over (because they're too scared to "hurt their feelings") and then shadow kicks them during a break in the fight…
    Also, please stop auto-syncing older raids and stuff. If people want to go in to Orbanne Monastery or whatever as a party of 6, then let them… Stop with the Role Restrictions and Level Sync. Let us power through shit.

  12. Idk, to me it i agree that its good to criticize things that you like when it needs to improve, as a new player these videos complaining sound like they’re coming from people who burnt themselves out and are blaming the same game you say has all this great content, you have to be patient and understand that square enix doesn’t owe you endless content. You should be okay with putting a game down when your done, i don’t get the complaints here. Also sounds like entitled people upset that your feedback isn’t 100% listened to.

    Opinions these days are cheap, no thought or facts behind them just feelings and attention seeking.

  13. Nothing wrong with criticising legitimate problems in a game, and observing a shrinking player base.

    It does get a bit old in my opinion when you see so much "this game is dying!" sentiment.

    Watch all these titles do a complete 180 when the next expansion drops, never fails, at least for ff14, cant speak for wow.

    Its just the normal life cycle of any popular decade spanning mmorpg. It ebbs and flows.

    Personally, im leaning towards the fact that we dont have as much to do in endwalker as a good sign that alot of that time and energy is being diverted towards dawntrail. So im hopeful it will be huge.

    Plus add all of these other games coming out recently into the equation, of course the player base is shrinking temporarily.

  14. I have actually completly give up on the game and its not the games fault, but to me 80% of it is the community.

    Cuz in my expirience there is A LOT of FC/RAID drama, u cant find players to do even casual content… like this combines with lacking players finally made me actually decide to leave FF14 behind

  15. I'm a returning player after completing XVI. It's given me time to catch up storywise and I'm planning to do lots of content in the coming months. Alot of my FC mates are going back to do content they hadn't finished like PoTD and Eureka and doing it together.
    For me, Q1 of 2024 is absolutely stacked with games coming out and I will most probably take a break to play them before Dawntrail so I don't need up burnt out

  16. I am so tired of people being overdramatic. They have JUST finished the whole main story ark and made the best MMORPG of the last decade since WoW. If they want to take their time in order to make sure the next xpac is on point and on par with prior xpacs, I am all for it. Meanwhile, there are still PLENTY of things to finish that we have had the time to finish; whether it's achievements, PvP series, older content, etc. And you know what, Rebirth is coming out in February too. There's NO WAY they would have the xpac come out at the same time.

  17. "Everyone dealing the same exact damage with the same exact gear". So when a game finally manages to be balanced we still bitching? There's ALWAYS going to be Meta and ff14 devs realized that. I think that's what'a great about the game because once you're BiS and you look at your parses, you know that you are absolutely equal to all the other players from your own class so the rest is all about rotation, skills and execution, as it should.

  18. "Leaving" the game is kinda too strong for a word, me and husband prefer to call it "graduated" because we've been playing since ARR (him from beta) both hard and soft core until 6.0 then we just naturally feel the game has satisfyingly "finished". We still check in whenever there's free login but no more raid or farming, we even think to keep preordering new expansions as usual. The biggest factor is probably adulting tho: we were both univ students when we started playing and now aside from work we're also busy with new baby (unlike everyone's expectation, we never intend to influence our kids to play video games)

  19. For me some of of the things why I kinda lost interest after 6 years of playing:
    I'm in the 4rd FC now and playing mostly alone because theres only 2 people left and at some point I just got too tired to try find another because from what I've expierenced, as nice as most people are, it feels as if there are way to many people using the game as a dating app, which was also the reason for 2 of the 3 FC's disbanding (Because a bunch of people couldn't just not try to hit on people, even if they weren't single. So yeah playing alone in a MMO isn't always bad but if alot of your friends take a break and you only login to do dailys at some point one might ask: why even bother, I get better gear anyway on the next patch, which brings me to the next point.

    As stated, while you can gear up to get more powerful, you kinda only get more powerful for all the past expansions, since all of the raids are made for roughly the average or higher ilevel at a given time you don't feel a big progression at most you'll cut maybe a minute from an encounter. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think in an interview they talked about doing something else besides just always putting +10 levels on top after dawntrail, I hope they might make a more horizontal progression system. Maybe being able to play your class in another way, like how sam and blm had 2 variantions of either being more dmg or spd heavy. Sure there's one build who'll always outperform everthing else, but having 0 chance to spice things up for me will eventually get boring after years, when you only get a couple of bolted on ogcd's an expansion).

    I can't speak about raiding since it hasn't really interested me that much besides ex-trials.

    Also a last point about the world in general. I know that they and people always would like to go to new places, but even with all those new players over the years, due to the amount of new zones and changes in lvling spd/xp reward, most zones feel dead sadly. Starter citys are healthy with all the sprouts and some vets but for the other citys there're mostly ghosttowns. Ishgard, Rhalgrs, Crystarium? might find a handful more in Eulmore and Kugane and some more in Mhor dona due to the importance in Story. But from most beginner zones up to shb, theres like a handful of people doing Story and a couple of gatherer's and thats it. It's not a major if any problem at all but it definitly isn't the best feeling when you traverse multiple zones (by foot or mount) and meet like a single person. Maybe one could spice things up with making Fates an alternative to spamming dailys/dungeons, like giving xp bonus for up to 8 people.

    Nonetheless I'm also not saying the game is bad, I've had a blast all these years but might take a small break till next patch or maybe even Dawntrail. In the end it also depends on how you approach the game. I've played alot in the past but with less time other games might fit better when it comes to how much time to spent on getting into the action. I've started learning guitar and picked up guilty gear, so I'm a lot less bound of keeping track of all the stuff in the game and it's kinda refreshing.

  20. A lot of people joined Dynamis servers the newest na servers during COVID and then people finished the MSQ and left or got there wallet out and transferred to another server when ever they could so there are a lot of dead servers and have been for a while. Rest assured when 7.0 drops you can expect massive server ques again. But it causes a huge looping issues of people join for the hype then leave and leave all the people still playing stuck in a server that is bleeding players because the other worlds are objectively better and more active.

    Then you get alot of people feeling like the game is dead cuz in there eyes it is when in reality everyone is just in the other OG servers..

  21. I really dislike these types of videos, seriously have a break from FFXIV and play something else. Yoshi P has said this numerous times. The game is in an amazing state, and all this drama drives me insane. Such bottom of the barrel type of content.


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