FFXIV Player Reacts to WoW The War Within Announce Cinematic BlizzCon2023

Thanks for tuning into another part of my World of Warcraft experience.
It’s been a WHILE since I first watched some WoW cinematics to gain a glimpse into the world of Azeroth. I have a LOT to catch up on, clearly. Cause I have no idea what was going on.
Nice to see I remembered Anduin and Thrall at least!

Are you excited for this expansion? Let me know!

And remember, you can catch me live at https://www.twitch.tv/galaxyaus !
#wow #blizzcon2023 #reaction


16 thoughts on “FFXIV Player Reacts to WoW The War Within Announce Cinematic BlizzCon2023”

  1. I'm so hyped for this! It's a bit weird how everything was clearly aimed at people who are already very familiar with the story, but I'm happy they did it this way, because instead of a generic hype trailer we got a really meaningful, slow and dramatic character moment. Hopefully the story will give newer players a bit of context once the expansion comes out… 🙂

  2. TL;DR: Anduin was corrupted by Sylvanas, and nearly helped the villain win, but his dad's spirit helped brink him back from the edge and he temporarily abdicated so he could go off and…basically find himself.
    Also…yeah, it's been sort of a running joke that Blizz have been pretending that sword didn't exist.
    Also also, is it just me or does the CGI in their trailers keep getting better?

  3. Anduin here is awesome. And so real. If you've seen people after they've survived a battle, or a tragedy, that's the look they have in their eyes. That's the expression they have. It was once called Shell Shock. Now it's PTSD. That thousand yard stare… It's one of the heart stopping, blood chilling things you'll ever (hopefully) see. The only time it can be more horrible is when you look in the mirror and you see it there.

  4. Cannonically, The Hoard and Alliance are at peace now, but Anduin has always been friends with several Hoard leaders. I think he holds out his sword to show he's traumatized, and Thrall stepping forward to stabilize his trembling means he's there for Anduin, of course Anduin wasn't going to actually hurt Thrall, they're kinda buddies. Anduin is a priest (even though he wears plate), they use holy or "light" magic, after what he was mind controlled to do in Shadowlands, he doesn't feel worthy of the light, what awesome is Thrall has been a mentor to him, and has gone thru the same thing, with his connection being to the earth and the elements and doubting himself.


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