Here is a quick summary of the Final Fantasy XIV Producer Live Letter for the patch 6.5 and my thoughts! We’ll be getting more main story quests, a new dungeon, a new trial, a new criterion dungeon, new glamours, mounts and more! What are you looking forward to most with this new update?
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Full FFXIV Producer’s Live Letter:
FFXIV Patch 6.5 Growing Lights Trailer:
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I just wish I could look forward to playing healer again. I'm so tired of being reduced to a Glarebroil mage in most content. Even in high-end content, or in the more chaotic content like Raids, there is so little damage to heal for a single healer (Let alone two) that Im pretty much stuck casting the damage spell over and over. Either give us interesting damage spells or restore the ones you took away.
always with the best summaries. thanks for being entertaining! i need the green chicken man beast glam yesterday!
KFC in FFXIV – Kugane Fried Chocobo. XD It is sad some of the best emotes I've seen lately are region locked, but I will be super hyped if/when they become available on the NA side.
With the UFO mount, do not be surprise you might see Squall and the gang from Final Fantasy 8 raiding Eorozea.
I mean, the hilarity of having this massive person walking up to you in a giant suit of armor, looking like the medieval version of the Doom Slayer, with thematically appropriate music going on in the background, only to have them whip out a fishing pole and just start fishing peacefully, is always funny to me
7:57 same. I hate the racial hemp top Viera got. This will fix that. Just have to win it if it is crafting since that means TH.
stares at pizza emote are you sure we'll get that chicken one? lol
that trailer is stunning, and the music OMG i love soken so much
the fall guys and KFC stuff are literally just turning ffxiv into a billboard
i think cloud DC just means it won't be a physical server, all online. If this works well it can be a game changer because it's more easily edited for regions, size, etc. / it's likely a result of the microsoft partnership!
The (possible?) PvP Series Armor is sick.. will be lock great on Darkknight or Paladin 😀
Avycatte has become AvySnek in this video
its.. both interesting and concerning this patch has 2 parts, esp with the 2nd half coming later. They are getting incredibly slow with updates and such. players are leaving bc they have nothing to do.
Thank God part 2 is in January! I was afraid it was gonna be February when rebirth comes out…sheeew
it all looks so good, i’m way too excited about the zeromus fight, the armor sets, annnnnd the last alliance raid. ❤
I wonder if our WARRIORS OF LIGHT are going to be finger licking good.
The motorcycle with the sidecar is Sanctuary. I know because Yoshi didn't fully mute the music and I heard the theme that plays on all those mounts.
The cloud test server in NA just refers to a switch from a physical DC to an online based one. It was bound to happen at some point, most companies use the cloud nowadays. Hopefully it means less strain on the servers.
Cloud DC just means that instead of buying/maintaining the server infrastructure/hardware themselves, they'll be leasing servers to use for the datacenter.
The cloud infrastructure means that Square will be able to "rent" extra DCs from big tech companies whenever they anticipate a huge influx of players that could create massive login queues like we had at 6.0 release.
Concretely for you, it looks like at 7.0 launch you'll be able to DC travel to a temporary "throwaway" DC, as an alternative to waiting a 3 hours queue to play on your actual server with your FC. Then, when the launch hype calms down, those cloud DCs won't be needed anymore and will go away.
Those DCs will probably be stripped down versions of real DCs with only the bare minimum to get you through the MSQ. No point in having a housing district or free companies on a throwaway DC, for example.
For me this is a non-starter if I can't chat with my free company, but I suspect that for a lot of players the launch of a FFXIV expansion is a solo affair and they will rather do the MSQ on an isolated server than wait a long queue.
As someone who is a bit forgetful of area names the fact we can sort teleport points by expansion is an absolute GODSEND. It saves me constantly scrolling through the giant list or endlessly clicking the little crests wondering which one I need to use.
Europeans still don't have the pizza emote 🙁
I am actually very very dissapointed that it is of all franchises they could have done a collab with it had to be Fall Guys . Sorry but no
How long did it take you to remove the coconut out of your hair?
Hopefully the KFC emote comes to Mogstation, and not the same debacle we had with the pizza emote. >.< THis is all some really great stuff to look forward to! Thanks for the overview, AvyCatte!
I want col sanders!!!
The cursed green outfit was a request to Yoshi P from the founder of Final Fantasy.
Honestly, I am a little bothered by some of the takes for "I am so glad the devs are actually listening to the players [regarding the Criterion/Variant Dungeon reward structure]". Yes, these devs listen. Some people seem to convey now that the devs don't listen, or listen infrequently.
Variant Criterion Dungeons have had 2 total instances. I would have been a little shocked if the devs implemented this change right away. They need to assess player feedback, weigh the cost of resources to make the change, and find a way that logically and systemically works for the change. And this is in conjunction with all the other changes/fixes/adjustments they weigh in from player feedback.
The devs have acted in this capacity for years now. They listen, for some people to act like they don't is a massive oof. Moreso, because people have used this to say "the state of the game is not looking good!" aaaaaaand then the devs implement changes. Again.
First, I NEED THE NEW PVP GEAR!!!! I am still mad I missed out on archfiend.
And two, am I the only one who sees Ben ten at 7:45? That green outfit just screams Ben 10 glamor.
How the fuck is KFC emote region locked out of north amercia? We literally invented it
all I know is that my goal from 1.0 was to marry Llymlaen and by god it's finally happening
New Z is meh and abit boring, old Z was way better, wish they would bring them back.
Looking forward to Sanders and Godbert meeting XD
I'm pretty sure "cloud datacenter" means them temporarily hiring a cloud computer service to act as a datacenter during expansion launches, eg from amazon. All the current datacenters are owned by them rather than rented is my understanding.
Phew, thanks to the new pvp sets i finally have something to spend my 69 500 pvp crystal currency, since they have been stacking up!
I was hoping for erenville to be the new custom deliveries, but then i remembered he’s in the Dawntrail trailer,so that’s a no-go xD this is exciting! Can’t wait for more 🙂
actually hyped for fall guys haha
I want to know if they’ll bring back the pizza emote. And hopefully not attached to GrubHub again. (Don’t have that in my area)
Thank you for the spoiler warning 😊
Ufo is mandervile 100%
Hi @AvyCatte ! I work for a cloud provider so happy to answer what a is a cloud datacentre. This means Square Enix for FFXIV is experimenting with running a FFXIV DC using cloud services instead of having dedicated hardware in leased space in a datacentre like how they currently work. Think of cloud services as a shopping cart for your servers which you can change on the fly – need more RAM? Just check a box! More network speed! Done! Faster storage? Sure! And you can usually do the opposite as well. And add and remove servers as you need too! This should both reduce the cost for running FFXIV DCs; allow them to more quickly ramp up servers for both new DCs and also to handle heavy load times (like patch days) and also have more redundancy. But there will be a lot of challenges in testing how this new set up hangs together so making a public test environment sounds like a good idea! Hopefully they will provide incentives for us to check it out so they can get some good data!
This will likely make it much easier to keep FFXIV going for a long time as they will be able to up and downscale pretty easily.
i want the cornels outfit
@ 0:26
I see what you did there