FFXIV Patch 6.4 Job Changes! The Dark Throne

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/7533e7a9b6b72d8e5aad3c1e7c4247967b3ee196

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31 thoughts on “FFXIV Patch 6.4 Job Changes! The Dark Throne”

  1. E Dosis doesn’t have initial hit potency, WHM is still the only healer with a DoT that does initial damage as near as I can tell.

    And as a RDM main I just expect them to officially declare RDM the “prog caster” and they’ll push summoner closer to Black Mage so you can pick a “better” caster.

  2. So, as someone who enjoys RDM and sad to see the lack of damage buffs, i also wonder if this is a tell about the next caster job. I’ve been pondering over this lately and wondering if they were going to go a damage caster route (BLM and SMN) and support caster route (RDM and [Insert new caster job]) and do the same for ranged physical: 2 damage dps (MCH and new ranged) and 2 support dps physical (BRD and DNC) ranged jobs. I can’t help but view this as a slight bit of evidence to support that.

  3. Okay now these tank buffs are getting a bit out of hand to Still refuse to provide DRK with an enhancement to their mitigation kit.
    Like seriously, something as simple as a minor heal on TBN pop would even be welcome at this point.
    It’s frustrating to me and I’m a War main.
    Feels bad man smh

  4. I'm glad they left Rdm in the dust this patch. The job is a joke, and an embarrassment of the true definition of a Rdm actually is. Job of all traits. Look at Rdm in ffXI… absolutely amazing.. and literally laughs in the face of all rdms in ffXIV. The Rdm on ff14 should just be renamed to something else, or deleted.

  5. samurai actually only gets guaranteed crits, not direct crits. so you could get a 54k direct crit midare and a 52k normal crit ogi :')

    sincerely, a sam main

  6. I am pretty sure the buffs to SAM and BLM are to compensate for the iLvL going up. Jobs with party buffs get naturally stronger when everyone's iLvL is higher so the jobs without them probably need a bit to keep up. If thats true though its sad they forgot to buff MCH. And no overall buffs for ranged jobs makes me think melees won't have P6 and P7 sized hitboxes this tier and actually have to think a bit about uptime.

  7. Man, I was tenuously excited for the new achievement certificate items and what did we get? …..2 orchestrion rolls….. sigh. Was there other things for anyone else? Maybe I just haven't completed some stuff…?

  8. Paladin's atonement buffs essentially mean you can freestyle easier since you can space your gcds out without dropping stacks. Spend them as you need to for alignment , they should always line up now if you're paying attention without any need for a special setup


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