FFXIV Patch 6.4 First Blind MSQ Playthrough

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2 thoughts on “FFXIV Patch 6.4 First Blind MSQ Playthrough”

  1. Hm. If we assume that the “pull” exerted by the Source might be part of the reason why travelling to other reflections from the Source is so difficult, might the Thirteenth effectively act as a sort of space elevator? Taking advantage of its astrality to mostly escape the Source’s metaphysical gravity well, and then going from one reflection to another, without needing to actively struggle against the Source’s pull?

    I suppose it could also be assumed that any form of portal or travel between reflections in general would rely on creating heavily astrally-aspected regions, to create a temporary “soft spot” in the barrier between shards. Though presumably it would be easier to pass from one world to another if the barrier between them was already strained – hence why travel to the First was comparatively easy, I expect. It does seem to be implied at several points so far that breaking down the barrier between one world and another is possible in ways besides the method that the Ascians used – although the potential consequences of this are unknown. Perhaps shattering said barrier without instigating the conditions for a Rejoining would simply allow for easy travel between worlds, but I assume that either the consequences of doing so would be too dire, or it would necessitate time or resources beyond that which anyone could envision. After all, while the Thirteenth was not able to be rejoined with the Source, I cannot imagine that the Ascians would have abandoned it – and the souls of their brethren trapped in the shard of Zodiark there – without making every effort to find a way to salvage the situation.


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