FFXIV: Patch 6.38 Date & US Server Upgrade Downtime!


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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


38 thoughts on “FFXIV: Patch 6.38 Date & US Server Upgrade Downtime!”

  1. if 6.28 is anything to go by, its minor balance changes, perhaps a changing of the CC season and maybe some minor item alterations. a perfect time to issue a 24 hr maintenance, so that 6.4 will go off without a hitch. give them a couple months to iron things out in time for the new patch mid-June.

  2. I assume when they say all worlds and data centers, they are referring to EU, JP and OCE as well to have the extended length maintenance. That would be the only way it would affect me since I am on OCE.

  3. Hopefully they fix the mass slaughter in PVP via Samurais this time too. i mean playing as an Atrologian myself my gravity effect from everyone but my prime target got removed, but the instant KO from Samurais did not. in 5 vs 5 this may be ok, but on 72 mass tagging it is certainly not.

  4. I really hope this upgrade either means, or is leading to a Regional Instance merger. I live on Dynamis and I HAVE to DC travel to even do simple things like roulettes, and it's absolutely awful.

  5. Is the new hardware gonna do anything cool? Is server tick rate gonna be more responsive? Will updates/hotfixes be easier to implement?

    I'm sure this will definitely be helpful for prep of 7.0 but I wish they said their thoughts on it.

  6. Kind of the perfect time to be doing this upgrade. In a big content lull right now so the game won’t be missed that much except by those still progressing things like MSQ.


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