Futures Rewritten Ultimate has a TON of controversy around it! This brings up a discussion of plugins, who actually won raid world first and who lost and why I personally think you should not care.
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0:00 FFXIV Futures Rewritten Ultimate Drama
0:11 World first race is great for Final Fantasy XIV
0:26 Plugins, cheating and world first races
1:31 Markers and automation of the markers
2:44 Telegraphs and mechanic resolving plugins
5:47 The actual world first raid winners
7:01 World first race is VERY important
7:13 Give up on this moral superiority
9:57 Other people’s success doesn’t upset me
12:30 Don’t be angry at people for achieving things
14:02 Content drought in patch 7.1
15:57 Mods plugins and my concerns
16:50 Raid because you want to do the raid
18:50 Anticheat and Final Fantasy XIV
19:32 You don’t get to use plugins and call the content easy
SPICE ALERT! Let's be real– you should be doing ultimates, raiding, etc because YOU WANT TO because YOU LIKE IT. Don't let anyone else's actions dictate how you experience it.
Great analysis, thank you! Could you help me with something unrelated: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How can I transfer them to Binance?
It’s also some teams had giant blocks on their screens, whether it was to have a border for their stream chat, show their team name, or hide the in game chat, or something else. The truth is we just don’t know and we may never know.
I clicked on this because I was curious about what the conversation was around this ult (mostly just so I know on a scale of 1 to 10 how much I should avoid participating in it lol)
And like, I got that
But I also got SO MUCH deep lore about a stranger I don't know
I hope things improve for you!?
What is the red dot? And do they only use red dot or do they also use other plug ins?
Is the red dot pixel perfect?
And for the plug in that shows rainbows where you have to go… Is that Splatoon or Boss Mod?
The concern is the WoW issue……if fights become too easy because people are using addons to tell them what to do, then they have to design fights to be harder and just ruining the difficulty for people who don't use addons. So yes, other people's success can end up ruining the game for someone else. You even said it yourself when you said people wouldn't join a party without the addon thus ruining your party finder experience.
well world first should be a team that didn't cheat in my most brutally honest opinion. People who cheat should not be celebrating for getting world first because they did not earn it and took the laziest way out. Mediocrity should NEVER be rewarded.
the only plugin i use to play is the "No Clippy" for obvious reasons (i don't live close to the servers), but i don't understand why people want to use plugins to CHEAT, imagine cheating in a GAME, when the only purpose is having fun
Who won? Grind did. Sure, Kindred gets the world first stream. But Grind did it first. Add-on limitations is ridiculous because it’s either all allowed or nothing is. And Kindred uploaded a log so they were using 3rd party too, they just didn’t have anything you could see on their stream. And if you want to be pedantic they were using discord too. Everyone uses 3rd party, you are willfully ignorant if you think any of these teams weren’t using something. NA and EU are just more careful about hiding their tools than JP is. Grind just threw a teammate under the bus to try and keep their clear status so they don’t get a gm visit.
Grats JP, you’ve done it again. I don’t want to hear any whining about other regions using 3rd party when the most egregious stuff comes from your own region and you can’t even hide it for the world first stage. Next ultimate it might even be worth disqualifying your whole region in advance so yoship doesn’t have do another finger wag.
I think the biggest issue with others using plug-ins is what you stated earlier. PF wouldn’t fill unless you had these plugins. Others who don’t want to use these will the be ostracized just like they would be in WoW. That’s what everyone is afraid of. PF becoming full or people requiring addons and plug-ins to do EX
Grats JP 🎉
I don’t want to take anything away from any team in FRU but it was soured from the jump. There were private PF parties on FRU P5 on Wednesday but holding off on clears as to not raise attention from SE for the achievement popping. I’m not saying any of the top teams (that streamed) we’re using anything but anyone could have had access to the vids going around showing all of the mechs from various pov’s (with solutions) FRU is already in the book of I won’t believe 99% of the people with the achievement actually earned it the proper way. Some 3rd party tools are great but in this situation, it takes credibility away from the race. 🤷♂️
Only thing xeno won was having the cringiest opinions known to man lul.
lmao.. if 14 had a legit anti-cheat it would flatline the raid scene period. PF would be more of a ghost town than it already is. The majority of people that play & use assistance are still bad. PF is already a troll playground filled w/ “clear” parties who should really be hosting mech 2 practice parties instead. This is the only title I know (I play practically daily) that has millions of players and I can’t find a good party (sometimes a party period) for the instance I’m looking for. Imo the raid scene in this game is a joke (coming from a fan) and I give virtually no one credit for the minion / mount / glam / title they have because I know at least 95% of them didn’t earn it the intended way. I personally don’t care if you cheat / have assistance, I would honestly prefer it most of the time. Just be half decent using it. (We all can tell who you are – ie jenky movements (M4S witch hunt is fantastic at exposing this / moving to a safe spot right before it appears in real time (I’m looking at you Spheen EX etc etc) 😂
using addon or not doesnt change the fact that this ultimate is easier than the last 2. ppl were also using addon on the last 2. its the same comparison.
this ultimate have a lot mechanic that wont one shot you.
dont really have a lot of dps checks.( the fact that pots have their price dropped after the new ultimate came out says a lot.)
have really long and more telegraphed mechanic.
having easier mechanic in general.
i dont see how is this a bad thing tho.
the numbers of the groups in pf are going through the roof. so many ppl are trying it. i think its a good thing that more people want to or get to enjoy the best content in game.
Let people do whatever they want, the issue is that these people are glorified for their race to beating it first. It's always a group of elitists bitching about other elitists being more elitist.
Also xeno can't even do his dailies without plugins that run it for him, this guy is cancer of the xiv community
Yeah I'll just stick to coming home turning on the ps5 doing my casual once a day content and relaxing with the good story on replays. This drama is why I don't watch the sports ball.
The issue is that if the use of 3rd party tools becomes acceptable, the devs will design fights assuming that people will use them. That is what happened with wow.
if am not mistaken or I misinterpreted it, that if this happened again on this Ultimate yoshi p said they will no longer make anymore Ultimate because of it. but then again I could be wrong.
I don't have a say in this as I have not done an Ultimate raids I want to I just need to have a mindset for it.
It's not whether someone uses a mod or not that most people care about. It's lying about it in order to get clout. I honestly could care less if people use mods to get an ultimate clear. But I think it's tacky as fuck when people claim a world first when they had to cheat to do it, and I have no problem with them getting some public embarrassment for doing so. Actions have consequences. "People are going to do what they're going to do" is a nonsense justification. Yeah, people do morally questionable shit sometimes. Sometimes, those people face consequences, which can include shaming from the community. Just because people might do those things anyways doesn't mean we should just remove the consequences.
If you don't care about whether GRIND used mods for their "world first," you should also not care if people want to publicly roast them for it. After all, using your own words, people are going to do what they're going to do, and some people are going to roast people who are caught using mods to solve mechanics.
Been saying this for a while if people want a “legit” w1st race you need to have it be in person at a specific location with “clean” machines pre-vetted by the event coordinators. Which… is never happening because so many people would not agree to it for many varied reasons.
I don't know why you made a big deal in the middle about not being mad at other people's success. That's not the discussion point at all. We're just talking about whether or not a team cheated and used somwthing unfair to get an advantage over another team. In which case, I would say yeah, they did. Mods are expressly forbidden. Doesn't matter if a lot of people do it, that doesn't make it more legal. Imagine if at the Olympics, someone was caught using steroids, and we just said oh well everyone does it, why get mad at him winning. Like, clearly that's not right. It's banned. End of story.
Its supposed to be a race. Its supposed to be competition, and its like at this point. All the competitors are using steroids. I dont think its a matter of being jealous. Its a matter of the playing field being even. If there was an all console group going for world first. Its clear that their at a disadvantage cause all these other groups get to break TOS and use these tools to help them figure the fight out. Their turning the world first race into a dam joke. How many times do we have to have the "world first team" not even be recognized by SE…. I want to see this game continue to succeed, but this isnt helping things. I get some of this shit is just part of the culture of the game. That still doesnt make it right. Especially when it comes to how this type of stuff effects game balance. The devs are setting the ceiling for these fights based off whst the top end guys are doing. Then they holler about parts of the game being too easy all while they got a bunch of dam addons helping them out. I would hope things dont get to the point of an anti-cheat, but if that happens. Im not gonna be mad.
I totally agree with you on the plugins. I don't care if you use them but if you do, never ever talk shit about how easy the game is.
Congrats on the gains my guy!
the esports channel took from the regular content creators of FFXIV but they did donate to a charity which no one can really dis.
As long as you're breaking the ToS then your run should not be legit. Yes, that includes using ACT.
Simply put people who complain about stuff like this doesn't do high-end content.
“Who won the U.S. presidential election? Well it’s all up to you to decide.” Stupid argument. If FFXIV doesn’t have an actual organization that can say “x group cleared first,” and disqualify the people who aren’t following the “rules,” then FF world first clears are even more stupid and pointless.
I want to do it but can’t find a party