FFXIV – Part 17

Mike steps into Eorzea after our wonderful community unlocked it as a goal during our September Subathon. Here he faces off against Titan Extreme.

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6 thoughts on “FFXIV – Part 17”

  1. Nearly 60 🙂 🙂 i justhit 60 on my black mage, honestly up to that point it felt like i was leveling an incomplete class it all comes together at 60 and flows so well, clunky before 60

  2. F'hlamin (sp?) is a good example of how deep the storytelling can get. I wrote her off as an annoying MacGuffin for an overlong fetch quest (they've shortened it since I did it, part of the general padding removal for ARR). Then I did the 60-70 Alchemist quest, where we learn a lot more about her past — tying into stuff in 1.0, stuff 95% of the player base hasn't seen. And I've picked up from comments that she figures into other storylines, both in 1.0 and sidequests in 2.0+. It's like finding out the boring old lady who lives next door used to be a hippie in the 60s, did all sorts of crazy shit, then founded a software company in the 70s and climbed Mt. Everest in the 80s. That even seemingly minor NPCs in this game can have complex histories and relationships you pick up outside the MSQ, but which were clearly planned early on and woven into events, constantly impresses me. The NPC lore around into Tam Tara (Hard) connects back to stuff you (well, *I*) barely noticed in Sastasha and Tam Tara normal — I only really know it 'cause I read compilations of the bits and pieces other people put up online, but it's all there in the game. (And evidently it also goes into POTD, which I've never even looked at doing… FF14 is very bad for people with MMO ADD… there's always something new to poke at, and some of the side content/optional stuff can get very deep. I've glanced at guides for farming rare seeds, or breeding racing chocobos, and the like, and it impresses me how much work has been put into things disconnected from "kill the next boss".)


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