FFXIV – P9s Lazy Levinstrike/Modified JP Strat (Easy PF Strat)

This is the strategy my static came up with while we were progging p9s blind. We were having an issue with Red 6 not being able to get all the way to the other side of the arena after the 2nd Blue Explosion and they were consistently hitting other members of the party.

We figured out that there are 2 additional safe spots in the arena that are far enough away to prevent the proximity explosion from killing them and others, so we positioned them to a lazy position and made it way easier for us.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


8 thoughts on “FFXIV – P9s Lazy Levinstrike/Modified JP Strat (Easy PF Strat)”

  1. …Or people can just learn to walk clockwise/ccw and solve that mechanic easily instead of flooding PF with stuff that's harder to coordinate with a group of monkeys. This mechanic is giving off some serious Ilya LR/Happy brambles flashbacks. This "JP" strat isn't even used in JP, lol.

  2. Just pop sprint when 2nd defamation/2nd fire goes off and 6 can make it to the other side. Keeps true to regular JP strat and 8 won't be freaking out because 6 is not in the spot they're suppose to be. I sprint to the other side as 6 and have yet to kill anyone by doing so.


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