FFXIV – (P2S) Pandemonium Second Circle SAVAGE GUIDE


Start – 00:00
Disclaimer – 00:15
Setup – 00:28
Basics – 01:04
Sewage Deluge #1 – 01:19
Cataracts – 02:02
Coherence – 02:32
Ominous Bubbling – 03:16
Predatory Avarice – 03:49
Channeling Flow – 04:42
Sewage Deluge #2 – 05:25
Kampeos Harma – 05:39
Channeling Overflow (Flow #2) – 07:24
Avarice + Dissociation/Cataracts – 08:36
Dissociation + Eruptions + AoEs + Coherence – 09:24
Sewage Deluge #3 – 10:43
Channeling Overflow (Flow #3) – 10:52

Macro Text:
■ Coherence
In front of party stack:MT
■ Water stacks + Shockwave

 Under boss:MTH1D1D2
 Beside boss:STH2D3D4
■ Channeling Flow
  →    ←
  TH↑ ↑DPS
■ Kampeos Harma (Limit Cut)

 Blue  Odd:Opposite corner

     Even:Under boss

 Purple 1234 cw from blocked corner

Thanks to those who allowed me to use their footage for this guide!
Hammerify: www.twitch.tv/Hammerify
Nananzo: www.twitch.tv/nananzo
Faintlich: www.twitch.tv/Faintlich

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18 thoughts on “FFXIV – (P2S) Pandemonium Second Circle SAVAGE GUIDE”

  1. This is mostly optimal. There is one thing…

    The avarice + cataract will always have the bottom half shoot W/E so you can actually put the DPS in the corner and the tank in the middle of arena at far N/S. This creates a triangle, dubbed the “triangle strat” in PF.

    Other than that, perfect.

  2. Better way for LB use, is to use DPS LB 3 when it is up
    then save for DPS LB 2 if it is short and or close to enrage. (VERY HELPFULY)
    Obviously for flow 3 some mit and heals required to beat that tough spot.

  3. Thanks for the shoutout glad the clip could help.

    Once people get used to the positions the dashes aren't actually that bad anymore. Just gotta make sure you really tuck in the corner.
    Also now that shields don't kill us anymore this should be a lot easier LOL

  4. Funny fact about Channeling Flow, if you don't take damage form it, you don't get a knock back and don't count for collision, so your partner gets thrown into the wall. Scholar and Sage beware with shielding too much of the damage

  5. A minor note to all Paladins and Gunbreakers that decide to use their invuln on the final Coherence while standing in front of the party beacause all you have left is a HoC/Holy Sheltron and you're worried for your survival: It appears to me that taking 0 damage there just means all your damage goes to the party instead but I might be wrong.
    Very niche scenario considering you will mostly burn the invulns on double impact, but something that might be likely to come up in some PF groups, I guess.

  6. Maybe early in the morning before coffee isn’t the best time to watch this. 😱 Honestly, it’s making my head hurt. 😭 But yeah, compared to this, P1S is easy lol. Thank you for this video, which I will rewatch many many times. Stay safe. ❤️


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