FFXIV P11S Dark and Light DL KINDRED STRAT Support POV

Raidplan: https://raidplan.io/plan/6YvArIVM5jYFVa-u

0:00 Short – Dark Jury & Dark Divisive
1:06 Short – Light Jury & Light Divisive
2:14 Long – Dark Jury & Dark Divisive
3:21 Long – Light Jury & Light Divisive
4:26 Example with rotation for orbs

– Arrange yourselves on the markers according to the raidplan. Support should get to their markers fast so that DPS can easily tell where they should go.
– The long tethered tank should PROVOKE so that the boss faces north before it casts Divisive Overruling.
– Orbs: If the orbs at your spot are unsafe, rotate clockwise to the safe orbs. Return to your original markers after orbs explode and after Jury resolves.
– To resolve Jury/divisive mechanics, long tethers always rotate left facing the boss (CW) and short tethers always rotate right facing the boss (CCW) if necessary.

Long tethers
Light Jury: BACK OUT to the arena edge, wait for proteans to resolve, then stack max melee from the boss hitbox.
Dark Jury: Wait for proteans to resolve. DPS stay put, support rotate left to stack with the dps.
Light Divisive: Rotate left to the nearest cardinal and stack, max melee.
Dark Divisive: Rotate slight left to dodge the cleave. Then move in slightly into the cleaved area.

Short tethers
Light Jury: Rotate right and stack with the 2 closest long tether players. Try to go further out if possible.
Dark Jury: Back out to the arena edge to be outside of all donuts.
Light Divisive: Back out to max melee. Long tethers will come stack with you.
Dark Divisive: Back out slightly to dodge the cleave. Then move in together.


Long tethers make sure to BACK OUT all the way to the arena edge before the proteans for light Jury can resolve. This allows you to move in closer for the light party stack.

After all debuffs are over, do not provoke immediately to restore the previous MT/OT arrangement. This is because the boss casts Dike (TB) soon after and you may need voke for that. Wait until the TB is resolved before handing aggro back to the designated MT.


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