FFXIV: Oceania Data Center Details & Dates


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#FFXIV #Meoni #datacenter

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


13 thoughts on “FFXIV: Oceania Data Center Details & Dates”

  1. I like how they are talking about an oceanic server, but in the post continue to use US time as a reference. Even japan time would have been a better for the intended audience. I for one will be making a character on a new server to try it out before I make the big decision if I want to make the jump or stay on JP.
    Side note: Amusing that there are 5 worlds on materia, are they going to pentameld the servers??

  2. Hi I’d like to ask a question, so if I get this right I have a character (alt, not my main character) let’s say on EU Light Zodiark and transfer (free of charge) to OCE, do I get the gold feathers account wide (so could I, in theory buy the twintania mount on my main back on EU) I have no friends to refer :’(


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