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#FFXIV #Meoni #datacenter
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“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
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As an Australian all I can do is SCREEEEEAM in happiness regardless of what happens in the oce data centre
Next let us buy merch from you please SE T^T
As being from Europe I am glad that we get new Datacenters but it takes so long.
I like how they are talking about an oceanic server, but in the post continue to use US time as a reference. Even japan time would have been a better for the intended audience. I for one will be making a character on a new server to try it out before I make the big decision if I want to make the jump or stay on JP.
Side note: Amusing that there are 5 worlds on materia, are they going to pentameld the servers??
Though sadly having an establish static with friends all from NA means I will have to continue suffer high ping for raids but this is good news for future players for sure
I hope these new servers will help the queue times from some of the eu servers.
I've been waiting for this for such a long time and I'm glad that my ping won't suffer anymore. I will miss my friends from North America 😥
Hi I’d like to ask a question, so if I get this right I have a character (alt, not my main character) let’s say on EU Light Zodiark and transfer (free of charge) to OCE, do I get the gold feathers account wide (so could I, in theory buy the twintania mount on my main back on EU) I have no friends to refer :’(
patch notes just aren't the same without meoni's voice
I am from New Zealand and I have been waiting for this for a while now. Its about time us folk in Oceania got a server. Excited for it.
Heyo, a video on the fallen angel wings when? 🙂
I might have to buy a retainer for my housing stuff if im to transfer
Great news for everyone in Oceania, maybe SE will now start giving us in Africa some attention was well.
By "removing furniture" does that just mean putting items in storage, do you think? Or does it mean removing furniture completely including items in storage?