Green Mage is coming to FFXIV! Patch 6.5 alongside Yoshi P’s shirt where he wears GREEN turtles with SHELLS on them an iconic green mage spell alongside how the game fundamentally is missing a DAMAGE OVER TIME based caster like AFFLICTION WARLOCK or OLD SUMMONER FROM SHADOWBRINGERS alongside a plethora of other evidence has lead me to conclude the next caster WILL BE GREEN MAGE.

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#FFXIV #FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV

0:05 Yoshi P Shirt Green Mage
0:10 Patch 6.5 Green Mage Cutscene
0:20 That’s not enough evidence for green mage!
3:01 Green Mage in Past Final Fantasy Games
3:27 FFXIV Developers Listen to the Playerbase
3:45 Healers damage over time rotations and developers acknowledgement
4:01 Gaia’s Hammer from Shadowbringers HIGHLY in Demand!
4:43 Krile is related to the new caster job
5:18 Green Mage Party Utility
8:50 Realistic status effect Green Mage debuff
11:37 Paladin and Damage over Time Effects
12:26 Summoner and Summoner Endwalker Rework
15:01 Green Mage is VERY REALISTIC for Modern FFXIV


40 thoughts on “FFXIV New Job – GREEN MAGE (WITH EVIDENCE!) [FFXIV 6.5]”

  1. Green Mage WILL be the next caster or I'll be GENUINELY shocked at this point. FFXIV's framework and hints and missing niche (affliction warlock DoT based caster) simply lends itself fully to it. Heck also magical ranged DPS doesn't even have a supportive "dancer" or "bard" job that gives it's DPS to allies as a utility support! I'd be SHOCKED if it's not Green Mage with all the mounting evidence!

  2. I'd say the only thing about this that feels wrong, Is just how much rdps support there is for other dps roles. Take monk or nin for example. Those are two roles that have a lot built into their kits but it's not a primary function that describes the role. Phys ranged is phys ranged so both bard and dancer are built from the ground up to support the parties dps. Either it's gonna be a remixed greenmage or something else. Casters aren't built with their primary objective being to support. Only phys ranged has ever been that way

  3. If thats what we're going to get… Sign me up ^.^ Though I hope it gets another name… "Red mage" is already confusing.

    The only thing I worry about it that bard would be completely obsolete with just another support dps 🙁

    Also, when we're talking about how to implement WoW classes… when do we get shape shifters? 😀 No, seriously, as a former Druid main, that would be awesome ^.^

  4. personally think is a fantasy. they dont want to increase the amount of debuffs on bosses because its already breaking the game
    I do think itl be green mage, tho

  5. I want grm to have a couple dots that can trigger a concentrate spell like bard getting its music notes. Throw in miasma and shadowflare and a reaper debuff to keep up, PLUS the Shell Protect combos.

    Not to mention some less known spells like darkness, oil, and others. Give debuffs while doing damage.

  6. I am PRAYING you are right, I am desperate for a DoT-based caster which means I haven't been able to choose one job as my favourite/main so far. The Summoner rework took the closest thing to that fantasy away from me.

    I would really love an interesting moderately difficult DoT-based job (where the difficulty doesn't lie in “press 20 buttons in 5s” or “learn by heart the encounter to precisely plan individual casts of spells”) with some support spells, so your description would very much fit that. Thank you for introducing that potential job to me, and please be real lol 🙏

  7. This gets me thinking how they could work Green Mage as the "Support' like job where their DoTs are their main source of damage but also the catalyst that allows them to provide support to the party. So in a way Green Mage could be busy in the sense that it's a number game of being mindful of DoT application on mobs while also being mindful of Buff application or allies which would make for a unique class design as it relies heavily on party competence to pull off but would definitely see it being a staple in Raid content if the Buff provided by Green were potent enough to prop up the other 7 part members. Like i could see Green Mage being an easy to learn but difficult to Master type of role as you would have the sense of figuring out the best Buff applications to apply when or rather than lining up with with 2 min timer also understanding the best time to line up the secondary burst phase. Since each job does have that Big Burst and Smaller Burst phase currently, I could see Green Mage being a job that would have to learn the mastery of when to best apply their buffs during both phases to maximize damage.

  8. That's extremely unfair for anyone to come into the comments and project their frustrations with homogenization in the game onto your realism, Cole. You are simply highlighting a trend from the developers, not manifesting it.

  9. To be fair, WHM used to have protect, so the skills where there at one point and it worked. They took them out for a reason, but I could see it being a good option to have a buffer/debuffer class. A hammer/mace would be cool, I have a theory on the new classes myself and a melee buff/debuff mage could fit it honestly.
    I think they are going to add 2 dps classes to roudout the dps roles and spread armor more. Casters have 3, 4 with blue mage, that share caster gear, ranged dps has 3, heal and tank both have 4. I do not think we will get a tank, heal, or caster personally, but another ranged dps might be possible to share their gear. Now dps gear is a mess, Dragoon and Reaper (tanks can use these too though) share a set, Monk and Samurai share a set, Ninja however has only themselves, so I feel something will for sure share armor with Ninja, I do not know if that would fit with green mage though. However this would give all armors 2 classes that use them 4 on every other role that isnt DPS except ranged… so ranged will likely be the other role, I could see Green mage being a ranged class that has a bell or something weird like that with dex based attack and debuffs/buffs, sort of like how bard works. I do not think they will have another caster geared role, though what do I know? Just a hunch.
    It would fit in with the TMNT clue, 4 of them, fill out 4 roles in every class, with extra in DPS just cause, 2 or 4 units using each type of armor.

    Personally I think Beastmaster and Geomancer are still good contenders for being added, with Beastmaster being my bet. Old Summoner was pretty much that, it didn't feel like a summoner, it does now, but at the cost of the pet, they dont have one anymore, they just have a ranged spell focus to cast from. Geomancer could just be like the reverse red mage, a mellee class that builds nature energy maybe a slow natural charge over time with damage and kills (draw aether from the enemies) giving more, and then unleashes a barrage of nature spells to choose from, perhaps with lots of status effect options or just big damage aoes but only single target melee style, maybe with 1 basic aoe so they dont feel leftout on aoe spam, but all their big damage would be in the spells.

    But for real, give us another pet class, one that is solely focused on the pets, not just casts through them. Maybe even let us catch and train wild enemies on the field for their skills and then boost their stats with ours and allow us to buff the pet, or wild thought here I know, let us use our minions in combat, make a small skill tree for each type and allow them to learn a few skills at our choosing to mix and match a few combos for each type of pet, so wed have 4 loadouts we could toss out at any given time with tons of skin options pretty much. Maybe give the types bonuses to certain skills or Have unique load outs, like say there are 4 skills, 1 auto attack, 2 skills to use as commands, and 1 passive skill for the first type. One type could maybe have 3 command skills and no passive, or 2 passives and 1 less command skill, then you can have one be more support based with no auto attack but a auto buff or debuff it would constantly keep on something, this would give 4 distinct mini classes to represent the 4 minion types. Then to fill out the class we could have a basic 1,2,3 combo and some combo skills we could do with the pet, maybe some cross slash style aoes where it is line between you and the pet, anything else should involve the pet though but for the most part you keep it healed and issue commands, the one thing we absolutely need and it needs a fast cd too, is an instant rescue pet to pull to your location so you can make it dodge aoe, that was the one big issue on summoner when it had pets honestly, they would just die to aoe. Otherwise you could make it immune to damage, but I feel that might be a little op. Before someone says itd be too hard to animate all the attack animations and such though, remember, Verminion is a thing, they have attack animations, death animations, it is all there.

  10. "Shell is one of THE most iconic green magic spells in past Final Fantasies"


    Green Magic exists in 2 games: Tactics A2 and 12, the latter even has it only in the old base version.
    Shell has always been a white spell alongside protect, except for 2 games in the entire series.

  11. I still can't see classic Green Mage happening. It would have to steal Bio from SMN, and then what? It's a DoT class with an extra party utility spell?
    They could make Green Mage something 'new' by combining it with Geomancer elements though. Like they did for "Sage", classic job identity, entirely new mechanisms.

  12. It could just as easily be Pictomancer though. Consider the turtles are all named after Reinassance artists. Not to mention, if Krile is taking that job, Pictomancer's user, Relm Arrowny has a unique bit of gear only she gets to wear: the cat-ear hood.

  13. Still skeptical due to someone of the dev team stating before, vaguely, that new jobs from here on out will be designed exclusively(and named) differently or simply of its own original idea to XIV.

  14. As someone who hasnt played any other FF games, this video gave me a much more understanding of why people were getting excited when the Yoshi P green shirt came out! I hope Green mage does turn out to be similar to Affliction warlock. I got a static friend who talks about aff. warlock occasionally and this would really hype him up.
    P.S. That was a fun Golbez night/morning farm. I know I was doing a good job of being the floor tank, when I couldn't do my preferred actual tank lol.

  15. just wish they would add a new tank or healer. we already have alot of dps classes. just gonna feel the same as the other dps once the hype dies down. same if it was a tank or healer, but atleast there would be more variety in those roles.

  16. My guess it’ll be Green Mage by name only and be something unique from past FF (hopefully). I just hope it’s fun to play, im wondering what magical niche it can cover besides some kind of nature-based or shapeshifter or shaman dps.

  17. while im stoked for green mage, and incredibly excited for a hammer wielding class, i was stoked for rune fencer, with the thought that it would be something that shares gear with ninja.

  18. There won't be a DoT mage or a debuff / buff class, this is straight copium. The games design itself does not support this idea, this is why you see less debuffs / dots on classes (debuff limit on enemies) and probably see less buffs on classes in the future (buff limit on characters.) It is easy to simp and think the game is perfect and they are doing these things cause the developers are intuitive, but that is not the case. If you look under the hood if FFXIV its completely fucked. The developers are not receptive of feedback in the slightest, and honestly don't even know what they are talking about. We have been told healers aren't meant to contribute to the DPS and are meant to heal since ARR only for DPS checks to be tigher, and healer design being crafted around healers DPSIng more than healing. They also will not make a support class outside of RDPS, like you said the game is homogenized they are not going to change the status quo.


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