โ€œFFXIV needs constant new players, or else…โ€

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Yoshi-P discusses the challenges of running a successful MMO like Final Fantasy XIV.

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20 thoughts on “โ€œFFXIV needs constant new players, or else…โ€”

  1. Out of many of the MMOs that started off a decade ago, were brought to the west and are still cycling to this day, FFXIV is the one that needs the LEAST amount of tweaking.

    – GW2 sacrificed long-term expansions, careful tweaks with clean execution and a well-balanced story to summon forth 'smaller, faster bursts of content' that have not pleased the playerbase and has led to its slow decline of players who were there at the start and fewer trying to get settled into things. "Lots of passion with very little passion", as a way to put it.

    – WoW has maintained a 2-3 year expansion release with a patty-cake pace of changing its 'centerpiece' mechanic appeal and has neglected each previous expansion to a dimension where the currency bears little merit on grinding or acquiring. It changed hands, leadership and direction a few times and it hasn't aged well, and I've been there for all of it.

    – ESO is being ESO, as per usual. I couldn't tell you about the numbers, since I played off-and-on and am not considered a 'true' fan but I'd imagine even the players who have been there since the start are a little bored but are finding things to do still, and I say 'good for them'.

    I think Mr. Yoshi P should be given some slack; ARR may be the most boring thing to play through for the game itself as a whole, but it shouldn't be disregarded as the worst part. The worst part is setting up the account and going through that system, but you're encouraged to take your time once you get into the game itself. No one should go back to a gallery of their kindergarten drawings and go "I can do better now, so let me fix this; it looks all wrong". If you're going to try FFXIV, you need to frame your mind like you're about to embark on a long road trip and take your time. One day there won't be a 'next expansion' and FFXIV will come to an end in the wake of (potentially) a new 'FFXIV'. One day it's all going to be gone, and the NPC friends we connected to.

  2. I finally reached Endwalker, and level 90 with my second job, also a point where I'm enjoying the game in a way I didn't think I ever could because the start was incredibly boring for me, this is my fifth or six try after all but this time I'm eagerly awaiting Dawntrial

    I disagree with you in one point at least, my constant in all mmos I've played is I like the things I collect in the game, not because are difficult to get, or because other players see them as valuable but just because in my opinion they look better than the bragging stuff, or they have a special meaning to me

    As an example, I've got plenty of mounts but I keep using my chocobo because he's been with me since the beggining, and quite frankly, he's the best looking of them all, even more with the bardings I keep getting him

  3. I play the story with a friend. Its supposed to be a mmorpg, but there are way to much quests that you are not allowed to be in a party… feels like they dont know if it should be a multiplayer game or singleplayer…

  4. I think FFXIV should add more world events, like stuff thatโ€™ll utilize all the areas in Eorzea because thereโ€™s a lot of zones that are just empty now & itโ€™d be cool to give players a reason to go back and make the world feel more alive instead of just the cities being crowded

  5. XIV's problem is it's current gearing(only ilvl matters) and battle system(all classes play the same and forced to do 2 minute meta) and the fact there is no incentive to do content more then once. They need to take notes from Monster Hunter and Granblue Fantasy Relink or even just Granblue Fantasy on why making a grindfest fun and rewarding with materials for crafting/upgrading items, weapons, armor would give incentive to fight specific bosses again.

  6. The funny thing for me is that I've never really considered FF14's graphics to be 'dated'. While yes technically they ARE dated, they're also very stylized and that goes a long way towards longevity imo. We aren't dealing with photo-realistic graphics, it's a more anime-inspired animation/model style, which means that it won't start to look as dated quite as fast. Not to mention that a game like WoW, by comparison, looks FAR more dated than FF14. THAT game LOOKS old, while in my personal opinion FF14 still holds up to at least an 'average' standard to this day before the upgrade. Obviously the upgrade will be better in the long run for everyone involved, but it was never something that was at the forefront of my own mind when playing FF14.

    Another thing I love about Yoshi-P is how he also states that the upgrade will not just be fore the players, but for his own developers as well, giving them a more modern toolset to play with and helping 'advance their careers' along the way. Very few game companies would probably even care about that aspect of their game engine, whereas it's great to hear that he actually wants to help his team 'level up' and advance their own careers alongside making something the players can enjoy. Just one more reason Yoshi-P is one of my favourite game leaders period. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Of course it is difficult to find new players, you have to pay a monthly fee then pay for the dlcs and cosmetics are also paid for. Only developed countries or people who only play 1 game can afford this, mmos are so overpriced these days

  8. I am 57yrs old & no MMORPG PC game has ever pulled at my heart & soul like FFXIV! I have never actually cared about my character until FFXIV! Yes, I liked my character & if I died in game, it would make me upset! Everything that happens to my character in FFXIV feels like it is happening to me! I will be here for the next 10+ years of FFXIV for sure! Stoked for Dawntrail & the awesome story Yoshi P & SE brings us!

  9. i loved the story. I had 1 alt to replay the story and will make another one for the graphical update. I support the idea that new players can skip straight to 6.1 because they just don't care and thats okay. Who want to skip will skip them all anyway. Its their loss not my problem. However I do hope that Yoshi P would make the game more challenging even in normal contents like dungeons. I can't sit through another expansion worth of a snoozefest like EW anymore.

  10. FFXIV is an MMORPG not a single-player game. The story is great and I enjoyed it immensely (even Stormblood) but down the line having good group content for all skill levels, a vibrant community and a fun set of classes to play is way more important than how good the story is. Some people don't even do the story and still find fun in this game.

  11. (super new player with Alotta exp on this subject from other genres, i wrote a lot about this the other day but it's too much for me to shove into a comment) loving the game alot rn here's a few random thoughts on how it could be improved regarding this – {TLDR, dynamics need to shift on how the game is made from like the story being alotta text & such + Free trial gives so much content while restricting things people trying an MMO would expect to be able to do {Friend request, trade, ect ect. {with some restrictions I Which i get is to combat bots but i think people need to look at what happened to Runescape originally when they did their real-world trade crackdown and lost the whole player base pretty much for a long time – adjustments should be made}} I also think the server system as a whole feels dated and needs more freedom [this game has tedious accessibility things that make it difficult for some ppl to learn / do imo]) I also think the combat does feel too basic [i think it should adapt a more actiony style / more dynamic somehow [blend in some BDO/KH/NewFF style maybe?] {ngl i think it would be cool if there were different combat style controls you could have where instead of like tab target/click, like a 3rd person sh00ter bdo/blue protocol target Aquisition vs like new FF game styles [7/15] & other concepts ect} – i ended up typing alot and have more to say so ill stop cuz i started to be off topic but i do think accessibility is the main thing. Sub also makes and breaks this game [idk what to really say here other then some type of new structure should be invented imo [the current way feels dated, rn F2p/gacha is rampant but this game can't become p2w/gacha cuz that would be BAD lol so there needs to literally be a new option created where they make good money but get good player conversion {still been thinking on this}]]

  12. This game reached its "limit" a long time ago. The ideal would be the announcement of a NEW Final Fantasy Online. But this company lacks the courage to take this new risk. Yes, they are preferring to stay in a comfort zone rather than face a new challenge.

  13. Updating the Rendering Engine actually isn't that work intensive.
    What makes it work intensive is the cascading workload it puts on the art team, especially if they go through the effort of updating 10 years worth of outfits and other assets to utilise the new capabilities.


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