FFXIV – Moonfire Faire Begins August 10th!

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23 thoughts on “FFXIV – Moonfire Faire Begins August 10th!”

  1. For once I want to be able to wear the shorts on a female character. I guess they're not willing to deal with the physics of letting the men wear the female bottoms, so I will forever be denied.

  2. I missed the tower so much. I was in a pretty bad place the first year they added it, and it was surprisingly therapeutic for me. Spending hours trying to reach the top, finally getting there, jumping off and doing it all over again… I was heartbroken when they didn't add it these last few years, I figured we'd never see it again. I hope they add it this year.

    As for flying, I do remember the second year when they added the tower, they had this big zone around it where you just couldn't summon a mount, in response to players taxi'ing other players to the top on the first year. I imagine that would also prevent the use of flying.

  3. I'm guessing Emet-Selch, Hythlodaeus, or Zenos. They did say they finished their part in the story so I wouldn't be surprised.

    I could imagine the chaos an Emet minion would havoc…

  4. They wouldn't need to do anything as drastic as making the course its own instance. Have an NPC at the start give the player a buff, it disappears if they mount up.


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