FFXIV – Moogle Treasure Trove Returns! Patch 6.2 Date Confirmed?

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202207/ujz24q0uim

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20 thoughts on “FFXIV – Moogle Treasure Trove Returns! Patch 6.2 Date Confirmed?”

  1. Hey there Mr. Happy, how ya doin, ya doin good? You mentioned this event is usewd to insentivize people to run old content to help newer players. So I was curious have they ever concidered adding a "Moogle Treasure Trove Queue"? I'm sure there would still be farm groups, but I was thinking if it was like the Mentor queue system it might be more useful towards the events intent. Just a random thought, hope you have a great day. <3

  2. Hope this gives them enough time to write up that essay on why Astro fixes needs to wait till next expansion. I think dragoon and Astro are due at least an explanation other than "big change, we r going to think about them for a long time".

  3. Wow, just got and sold the wind-up elvaan from a 4.0 GC chest a couple weeks ago. Sold for almost 3mil, and cheapest one up is 2.6. RIP that market.

  4. I still need the 'Scapes finished to I can get the TT cards. Also need the Weapon battles, but I also need the extremes. I guess this is a good time to attempt them.


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