FFXIV’s Moogle Treasure Trove event is now live! This event will run until Monday the 11th of March at 14:59 GMT.
Join me as i review the duties on offer and find out how many tomestones you can earn from each of them.
Link to the event: https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/mogmog-collection/202401/8degg9wgnk?utm_source=lodestone&utm_medium=pc_banner&utm_campaign=eu_mogmog-collection
0:00 Picking up your Mogpendium
0:45 Mogpendium Overview
1:54 Standard Objectives
4:00 PvP Options
6:07 Ocean Fishing
6:24 Weekly Objectives
7:05 Minimog Challenges
7:39 Ultimog Challenges
Get yourself to the Gold Saucer! 🪙
Looks fun, can't wait to try it
Tomestones, not tombstones.
yea mine show the same for the weekly