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Are people really so obsessed with their phones to the point that we are completely ok to play MMO's on the phone? Just because i can play it there doesn't mean i should but people these days also watch movies on their phones which is a tragedy on itself.
There are two things that I hope they add
1) Switchable hotbars if they planned to add new combos, Skills and mitigation to the game. Note that this should be important if they plan on adding to the jobs anyway, not to mention help with some button bloat.
2) AOE combos. If they are not in the Game, tanking will be a huge slog, since you need to keep aggro while tanking. I will be concerned if I am playing Warrior (which doesn't have alot of AOEIng going on in this) and then the Black Mage got aggro via their dps while I am over here spamming fellcleave on one mob, not to mention the White mage accidentally getting aggro too with one healing spell.
That WHM buff was a Confession stack
level 50 Black Mage with Fire 4, Leylines, Between the Lines, Enochian….wtf man
Can you really call yourself an ultimate raider if you didn't clear using motion controls?
Sentinel has lingering animation while it's active… there's a lot of nice stuff we could use, and some animations don't blind yourself like a in-between full and some
I hate how this has better animations 😑
Hey remember when we didn't have auto-attack in 1.0? Looks like that idea's back for the mobile version.
I'm really surprised by how good this game looks. If I could play it on my PC with at least a controller then I'd definitely check it out. Sadly, my phone is likely too old to be able to play the game, nor would I want to play it there to begin with. I really love how fast everything looks with the game.
I have an snap 8 gen 2, hope it works.
I have a feeling with how short the timer and cooldown for Venomous Bite is that DoTs here tick damage every one second instead of every three seconds.
the animation is kinda flaky for some reasons
not sure i like the split button idea with the BLM. might not be a huge issue with a tablet but on a smaller mobile device it may be difficult to press the side of the button you want quick enough. I like the idea they used for the BRD songs where it looks like a press and hold then swipe in the direction of the song you want to play. They could have used this for the BLM.
Whos thumb is that tiny for all those buttons? They better include backbone controller support
these animations look very not good, but I am curious to see how this actually adapts trials and raids, if it even will
Slightly interesting that they remade the ability art instead of ripping it straight from the game.
When the animations and glamour system will be better in the mobile game because there's no 1.0 spaghetti code… can't wait
i think the thing that i love most about this is that its giving us 2.0 with job gauges
2 Expedient charges AND a guaranteed crit shield as a lvl 50 Scholar? That's… interesting
Bro just thinking about it but wut if modern day summoner is actually based off the mobile game cuz wasn't the game being worked on for yrs now and compared to all the other jobs it looks the most identical to retail 😆
25:30 That's Lustrate and Indom. Adlo is the button down and left from Succor on their main bar. Their buttons are (top to bottom, left to right), Whispering Dawn, Energy Drain, ??? (no idea what the purple book is, that's not in the current game), Aetherflow, next row is Fey Illumination, Succor, book icon, Expedient, third row is Reciation and Adlo then that healer + shape. The choice thing was Lustrate on the left and Indominability on the right.
WHM is Misery, Assize, Holy, PoM, next row Cure 3,, Medica, staff icon, no idea what the blue/white one on the right middle is since that also isn't in the game, bottom left is Plenary, Cure…one?, and then the healer + icon (which come to think of it might be like LB or something?)
Healer main, and those ones I recognize.
I really wish much like how Dark Knight has the new Delirium Combo i kinda wish Inner release made warrior did the flippy buzz saw fell cleave combo we got in this.