If your comments Didn’t get read that means is gonna get used in my future videos. I love you all and share your juicy FFXIV Dramas in this comment section.
If your comments Didn’t get read that means is gonna get used in my future videos. I love you all and share your juicy FFXIV Dramas in this comment section.
Love that you read my comment! I hope you didn’t interpret it as directed at you. Just wanted to put my thoughts out there lol. Cheers brother!
I just do what I want in this game. I didnt pay for my sub & spend my money for toxic people to influence my gameplay.
If some one doesnt like how I play, they can file a complaint with yoshi p & see how far it gets them.
Im not a mean person, i just dont see the point of paying a sub if you dont thoroughly enjoy partaking in it & the fact that out of thousands of people you may encounter an unpleasant person, I have encountered a few myself that tried to tell me how to play this game & I just ignore them. The point of playing ff14 is to relax & enjoy those quiet moments of farming
There's a point in all this which can be followed to its logical conclusion: The main premise that "If people hate me, I must be doing something right." is a prime example of bias that proves the need for social contracts. What is being discussed in this video is ultimately social contracts. So, let's get down to the ground view of this: Sure, you CAN be a selfish person in life and even a hated person, BUT . . . when it comes to terms of social contracts, that antisocial behavior will ultimately not work out favorably for you. Because, people in general, want to feel accepted and validated, and that is THEIR part in the social contract we call society, everything a mentally stable person does is to achieve those goals. When you cannot achieve those goals, you may be lead to antisocial/bitter outlooks which will begin a snowball effect if not handled early on. For such a person who disregards their fellow human as a nuisance, this is their fate, they ultimately will live a life unfulfilled and lonely. We are social creatures by nature, which is why we built the internet and all of its surrounding aspects, to pretend otherwise is delusional and nothing short of egotistical.
In short: Yes, society is proof we need other people, and the means to achieve equilibrium in a social aspect is NOT via hatred or 'us vs. them' rhetoric which causes divisiveness. If we desire our time to be valued, it's hypocritical and representative of someone who is lacking in empathy when that expectation is not allowed for others. This type of mindset is antithetical to not only POSITIVE social contracts but also the MMORPG as it relates to large portions of design philosophy of which the genre is composed (social interactions/need for validations/peer structures). They, MMORPGs, are in a sense, largely dependent on such paradigms as have been stated above.
'toxic sprouts'. bro is beefing with new players because they wanna enjoy themselves. yikes.
If someone early pulls and there’s a cutscener, it isn’t against TOS, but it is definitely bad social etiquette. You’re in a shared instance and waiting 15 seconds for someone else to finish their cutscene is the polite thing to do. Can I stop you from being rude? No not really but I will definitely tell you off. If you piss on a tree in a public park, can I stop you? No not really but someone else might call the police on you for being an asshole.
Imagine yourself kicking over a sprout’s sand castle then someone else in the party scolds you with “Don’t do that.”
Then you respond with “You don’t pay my sub.”
No, I do not pay your sub, but I can definitely also choose to just sit there not hitting the boss. You don’t pay my sub either.
Nobody is forcing you to skip your cutscene. If you wanna watch it, watch it. There is a reason why you are save from every damage while in a cutscene. If you want to have all the time in the world, Support and Trust system are there.
You definitely sound autistic
You also don't pay their sub. Such a shit excuse for shit behavior.
Toxic sprouts cuz they wanna watch some cutscenes? this is the wildest take I ever seen. my god social contracts exist for a reason folks.