FFXIV M1 Pro MacBook Pro – Diamond Weapon

The FF14 client shown here is the Windows client being run through CrossOver using the pre-configured CrossOver bottle on XIVLauncher’s #linux Discord channel, using a Windows service account license (yes, I don’t own the Mac version). You might also notice some of the XIVLauncher/Dalamud mods working.

Figured people would be interested to see how the M1 Pro MacBook Pro performs in high-end content, such as trials/raids so here’s a vid of Diamond Weapon normal! This is on the 10-core, 16 GPU M1 Pro 14″ configuration. I had played through E11S as well with no major issues though I wasn’t recording.

Screen recording here done with QuickTime, and the video was on High (Desktop) with the exception of Screen Space Ambient Occlusion being turned Off because that was resulting in graphical glitches and dark textures when turned on. You can pretty much run it at Maximum too without SSAO turned on too! Resolution preset 1080p here.


8 thoughts on “FFXIV M1 Pro MacBook Pro – Diamond Weapon”

  1. I was debating between a Pro and a Max, and FFXIV was the most intense game I planned to play on it. And it looks like this is just fine. Did it basically stick to 60 fps throughout? I know you didnt have a counter on but it looks perfectly smooth here too.

    Are you on the 16 or 32GB ram model?

  2. this looks the most promising gameplay ive seen for apple silicon. do you have a guide you used to set this up? not sure how to go about doing this.thanks! also what FPS were you achieving here?


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