FFXIV Lore- Understanding Limit Breaks

I know I know, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to cover Reaper, Sage, Gunbreaker or Dancer in this video. Don’t look at my, look at Square Enix who’s taken this long to release any data on their most recent jobs! But either way, I’m glad I was able to finally make this video, I wanted the Endwalker hype to die down before finally addressing it as I knew the Dynamis fan boys wouldn’t be able to help themselves. Hope you all enjoy!

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Disclaimer: The MMORPG known as FinalFantasy XIV Online as well as all its related publications and merchandise are owned by Square Enix. I have no claims to it.

Primary Sources:
Video Games-
FinalFantasy XIV Online

Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume I
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume II

Alternative Sources:
FinalFantasyXIV, The Lodestone/Sidestory
FFXIV, Letter from the Producer
Published FFXIV Brand Art Books

#ffxiv #lore #endwalker


33 thoughts on “FFXIV Lore- Understanding Limit Breaks”

  1. I think my favorite limit break is the authorologian one just opening to the 7th Heaven is amazing God dang it 12 open your seven gate already I know what the rest look like I want to figure out what the the 7th one really looks like and see if you have two hidden God's both made from light and dark itself!

  2. Huh, I always though Astrologian’s limit break was turning back time itself in order to heal allies and “rewrite fate” so to speak.
    In fact, wasn’t there a time based spell Astrologians knew?

  3. My theory is dynamis helps us form the aether for a limit break since it power based heavily upon n emotion and during intense battles where our emotion are at their peak it probably has some effect on our aether it would also make sense for that moment in that one fight but eh we literally no nothing about dynamis do I could be dead wrong

  4. Maybe you could do a lesson on why Eorzean is the lingua franca of Etheirys? Each culture that we visit has unique words and supposedly a language that harbors those words. Yet no matter which continent we are on, any and all intelligent beings are able to speak Eorzean to some degree. Even the peoples of the Reflections are seemingly speaking the same language. We know the First heavily diverged from the Source, creating unique cultures not resembling anything on the Source. Yet they speak "Eorzean". Even the Scions were able to communicate with them just fine. While some of the Scions spent years living in the First, the Leveilleur twins were there for only a year. Even if they are prodigies and graduated from the Studium at young ages, I doubt even they would be fluent with only a year spent in a foreign culture. For anyone gifted with the Echo, it is able to translate any tongue that would otherwise be unintelligible to the possessor, even bestial languages. Dragons are capable of Dragonspeak. But that's exclusively used by the eldest ones and transcends the language barrier by some form of telepathy. In the case of our unsundered ancestors, they broke the language barrier in a seemingly similar way the dragons do.

  5. It was excellent as always. A pleasure to see some LBs which I tend to never see, or rarely. My personal favorite is being able to call upon a machine to come out and rain death on my foes. the BLM one is so impressive tho, so much fire and exprosions 😀

  6. I always thought the Gunbreaker LB was a Superbolide on a larger scale. But unlike Superbolide relying on the Aether of the Gunbreaker, the LB draws all the released Aether of the battle into the chamber that the Gunbreaker fires off, creating a larger and night impenetrable shield around themselves and their allies.

  7. Lore wise we have a perfect reason to start having dynamis based villains, events, or research. With Zodiark gone, his primary function of inhibiting the effects of dynamis on Eatheris, we are bound to see more overt expressions of the energy.

  8. I get what you're saying but it was a speech option to point out that limit breaks came from dynamis when you learned about it in elpis. And i thought that it made sense because it helped explain why Alisaie, easily the most emotional scion is the one to spam limit breaks constantly as a trust.

  9. I think another part of the Dynamis theory is as i believe you also mentioned in a video when Endwalker was new, that during the last fight against The Endsinger, when a tank in the raid uses the Limit Break The Endsinger would say "dynamis…?" so either she is sensing Dynamis being used against her or the ability of a limit break is so powerful it confused even her.

  10. Is the dynamis comment by Endsinger indicative that we harnessed dynamis for that limit break instead of aether? We can utilize aether with emotions as shown in the ultima Thule questline.

  11. I think the bigger thing connecting dynamis to limit breaks would be a line given in the level 87 area by an important npc if the Warrior of Light says 'I have been known to push past my limits from time to time' and the npc suggests that such can be an effect of dynamis.

  12. I'm super happy to see the conversations this video has created! For my part, allow me to remind everyone that knowledge on Dynamis is literally brand new still. Until the MSQ decides to weave Dynamis back into the story again, we still known very little about it. Almost all talk about Dynamis in Endwalker was purely theoretical. So please don't assert there's this fundamental knowledge on Dynamis that literally doesn't exist. However! I look forward to the day that a NPC talks about researching Dynamis more thoroughly. What they discover could be very interesting! (And hopefully stop the rampant spread of head canon I'm seeing…)

  13. Counterpoint: Dynamis has always had an effect on how we perform not only Limit Breaks, but most of our abilities to begin with.
    A Tank LB is a fervent desire to protect their allies to the utmost of their ability.
    A Healer LB is a fervent desire and plea to bring their friends back from the bring, and save them from oblivion.
    A DPS LB is a fervent desire to destroy their enemy utterly, to prevent them from doing any further harm to them and their friends.
    A buff is a stimulation of the aether in someone through a desire to push themselves further than their normal limits.
    A Bard's repertoire involves them singing unto the masses, stimulating the aether and dynamis around them to bolster them and their allies.
    Further, the summoning of a primal involves a full belief that you wish for whatever you hope to summon comes into being. Aether would coalesce, yes, but it is your belief, the Dynamis in the surrounding area, that brings that belief into form.
    To say Dynamis has nothing to do with the WoL's abilities is folly. The introduction of Dynamis has changed literally everything we understand about Aether and its properties and how we interact with the world in general, and how it responds in kind.

  14. my personal theory isn't that Dynamis powers a limit break, but its what lets us temporarily breaks our mortal limits, like, we have a barrier that protects us from getting overwhelmed by that gathered aether, but with enough adrenaline and raised emotion during battle dynamis lets us pierce that barrier to access such a monumental torrent of aether to power the limit break.

  15. The Ancients in duty support do not use limit breaks, correct?

    I do not remember them doing so.

    It definitely would support the idea that a being of exclusively aether that cannot interact with dynamis cannot also perform limit breaks.

    However I would definitely find merit in your conclusion that it cant be dynamis alone too. If it was dynamis only, I think a lot more people could use limit break, instead of masters of their job.

    Perhaps dynamis is a focusing iris? That would be speculation on my part.

  16. Not covering the ShB and EW classes fits in the video being the point of view of an Eorzean scholar. Those job come from further afield. The Sage arts are closely guarded arts of notoriously isolationist Sharlayan. The Reaper was a discipline created in the frozen north of the Garlean Empire. The dancer's Kriegstanz hails from distant Thavnair and the art of the Gunbreaker is an art kept closely guarded by Gunhildr's Blades, the personal guard of Bozjan Royalty. The Hingan sword techniques of the Samurai are the only foreign art you did cover, but it can be argued Eorzea has been exposed to them for enough time for preliminary research to have been done, also, it's practitioners not as isolated or secretive as the others.

  17. So thoughts on the gun breaker limit break.

    Superbollide could be seen as the gnb using all but the last bit of their personal life sustaining aether to form an impenetrable shield.

    So I would suppose Gunmetal Soul takes the ambient aether and tessellates into essentially an oversized Superbollide?

    I guess the reaper limit break could be seen as taking the aether and feeding it to the voidsent in part to fuel a powerful attack? That would be certainly unique.

  18. I'd like to also point out that there are also PvP limit breaks that are wholly different to what a normal Limit Break could be such as WHM LB3 would be Pulse of Life but PvP LB is a cleansing holy cannon of Afflatur Purgation.

    Could be that the goals in a PvE scenario are different than in PvP and that emotional instinct is the main factor.

    I also kinda disagree with the point that Dynamis is also only in Limit Breaks. It could be that in the newer expansions, the WoL has more control over Dynamis so that they can channel less and less Dynamis bursts for their abilities in PvE to the point where eventually their basic rotation might entirely be Dynamis in the future expansions.

    To put it briefly, they used to only be able to inhale huge mists of dynamis back then to make use of big abilities. Eventually, the WoL only needs a whiff to enhance their current repertoire. They might still be able to do a big LB3, however, as the threats the WoL faces become even bigger despite the enhancement.

  19. I'm just absolutely in love with the Astrologian LB3. If you ever get the chance to see it, make sure you position your camera right above your character. The LB3 effect is gorgeous when viewed from the side, but there's a gorgeous effect when viewed from above as well!

  20. I have to wonder how much the manifestation of a limit break is affected by the particular user. While some, like the Paladin's Last Bastion tap into more universal desires for protection, the obvious example is Summoner's Teraflare. Surely a summoner who had never interacted with Bahamut should still be able to perform a limit break to its full extent, but the form it would take would necessarily have to differ (experiences ingrained to their soul from previous lives aside). Could a Summoner whose most awe-inspiring interaction with a primal was with Phoenix's rebirth produce a restorative limit break as with healers? But even on the less obvious end, consider Black Mage's Meteor. I would argue that the particular form it takes for Eorzean casters is likely subconsciously inspired by the other part of the seventh umbral calamity–the fall of Dalamud. The plan was named project Meteor, after all. Perhaps in other places or other times, a Black Mage's limit break might be more inspired by spells like Xenoglossy and Foul, maybe resulting in a limit break taking the form of Black Hole.


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