FFXIV Lore: The Story of the Samurai Part 2 (Stormblood)

Final Fantasy XIV is a massive game with thousands of hours of content. What I’m gonna do here is break down some of the major plot points for those of you who wanna know more about Eorzea but may not have time to experience it all first hand. This time we’re covering part 2 of the Samurai storyline.

Click here for part 1:

Click here for part 3:


9 thoughts on “FFXIV Lore: The Story of the Samurai Part 2 (Stormblood)”

  1. I struggled for a long while to figure out why my character would even want to stand against Ugetsu. There were times where what he wanted seemed fairly similar to what we had done in Ishgard, Ala Mhigo, Doma, and to an extent even the Steppe. But in the end i think the difference lay in the intended result. In all of those other instances there was some idea of who exactly it was that had to go and what kind of governance and structure would replace that which we overthrew. Ugetsu however is a very angry and bitter man, as are many of his followers (Rightfully so might i add). But in the end their solution seemed to be Murder all the people in charge and hope that the resulting power vacuum didn't swallow their homeland whole. I'm not saying tyrants shouldn't be put to the sword. I'm just saying you had damn well better have something or someone to put in their place, with the power and influence to hold everything together.


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