FFXIV Lore Dungeon Delving into the Wanderer's Palace

Time to start really going hard into the lvl50 Dungeons! This was a great one, but while many people have had to do this dungeon over and over I’m curious to see how much they knew or remember about the lore here. It’s a troubling tale to be sure.

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Music: Zodiac Structures by NoMBe
Personal Music made by: Victor McKnight, https://www.youtube.com/c/VictorMcKnight/featured

Disclaimer: The MMORPG known as FinalFantasy XIV Online as well as all its related publications and merchandise are owned by Square Enix. I have no claims to it.

Primary Sources:
Video Games-
FinalFantasy XIV Online

Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume I
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume II

Alternative Sources:
FinalFantasyXIV, The Lodestone/Sidestory
FFXIV, Letter from the Producer
Published FFXIV Brand Art Books

#ffxiv #lore #dungeons


16 thoughts on “FFXIV Lore Dungeon Delving into the Wanderer's Palace”

  1. Let’s goooooo!

    Damn, can’t imagine seething for 1500 years like that, let alone watching a slow and gross transformation from basic Lalafells to something so drastic and bizarre as a Tonberry. We need them as beast tribes.

    Also, thank you for this scene! 11:12 I would always remove the cutscene skip here when it came up in roulette back in ARR-HW. Best ending, don’t mess with twisted Lalafells

  2. As an avid researcher of the Magi war I love this video about the Wonderer Palace! One of my favorite dungeons also thanks to its beauty, not only my love for Nym!
    Thank you for the really good video 😀

  3. Hmm…having the Tonberries cured opens up an interesting political quandry for the Admiralty, as basically a new city state has popped up inside her borders. How are they going to address the Nymians, I wonder?
    Also ACUAL SCHOLARS OF NYM! I'm gonna get a proposal together so we can get one of them to do a series of lectures at the Studium!

  4. I sooooo look forward to each of your vids. Like an early Xmas present. Thank you sooooo much for your continued endeavors. Would love to see you eventually branch out into covering some of the more obscure side quests that have Lore Stories. And I just finished the Stormblood 8 man Raids, and cried for hours! Really want to hear your take on that little side story. Anyways, keep the Lore alive <3

  5. Random question- Do fantasia potions exist in Eorzia, or are they strictly a game feature? Wondering if they actually had lore behind them.

    Want to use one, but it bugs me if I can't come up with a head cannon for it lol

  6. Knowing what we know now about the nature of voidsent and the unrest caused by an overabundance of dark aether, it's less weird to think of them surviving 1500+ years trapped in there as monsters.


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