FFXIV Lore- Dungeon Delving into the Aurum Vale

We’re finally done with all the Dungeons below level 50! I’m glad that I’ve had the chance to cover all this early lore and why it’s important to your early journey, but now it’s time to go even further and catch up to the 50+ dungeons!

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Disclaimer: The MMORPG known as FinalFantasy XIV Online as well as all its related publications and merchandise are owned by Square Enix. I have no claims to it.

Primary Sources:
Video Games-
FinalFantasy XIV Online

Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume I
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume II

Alternative Sources:
FinalFantasyXIV, The Lodestone/Sidestory
FFXIV, Letter from the Producer
Published FFXIV Brand Art Books

#ffxiv #lore #dungeons


17 thoughts on “FFXIV Lore- Dungeon Delving into the Aurum Vale”

  1. It is said that a few times each year that groups of mages using magic from the new world congregate at the Aurum Vale to cleanse it of monsters. They have grown…exceedingly efficient in their hunt.

  2. I always quite liked the way this place looks, it has a bizarre beauty in the details and flora most notably around the gold bile.
    Still unpleasant to traverse though and no place for a casual trip.

  3. Watching this just reminded me of Speakers of Hydaelyn and their look into the 1.x lore of this dungeon… Oh, now there's a neat idea that will never happen:
    Synodic Scribe and Lukile Bravestone, on location to discuss the lore of………. I'm drawing a blank, the Black Shroud **AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!**, I guess?

  4. good lord, i have so many feelings about this place, almost all of them relate to the gameplay and the experiences i’ve had here
    but let’s just say it’s always been hilarious that it’s also toxic in-lore lmao

  5. Synodic Scribe: "So, today we'll be talking about the Aurum Vale…"

    My Dark Knight Tank: *Thousand Malm Stare as the traumatic flashbacks return* "The place where the Sprouts are separated from the Saplings…And the former are separated from their lives"

  6. So that's why it was calles Coin Counter! I still don't get why it was down there but from the way he killed sprouts back in the day he was just as happy to be there as we are.

  7. I remember running this dungeon for the first time. For context, I was playing as the tank, working on my now main job of Dark Knight. I ended up with a chatty group, we were going through the vale as they taught me what to be aware of. After a while, we reach a room full of scorpions, if memory serves me right, it was the second room like this. Now, as a tank main and a lover of fromsoftware games, I have kinda gained an understanding for agro range, and being able to visualize them in my head. After looking at the room I noticed something, the ridge to our immediate left was a bit far from the scorpions, so I wanted to test if it was in their range. As it turns out, it was outside of their range, allowing me and my party to completely skip the encounter. They started jokingly asking if this really was my first time in the dungeon. Afterwards we went on the beat the dungeon.

    If you read my story, thanks. Sadly, I think this skip has been patched since, but it might not, haven't gone back to check in a while.

  8. I have a hilarious story about this dungeon, for a small back story, my wife (in and out of game) wanted to learn how to tank. So my friend and I took her into some low level dungeons to get her feet wet, practice her mitigations and everything like that. Once she got more confident we grabbed the leveling roulette….and that is where we join the aurum vail.

    We had a random healer join the group which was perfectly fine and we started to go through the dungeon, my friend and I were helping my wife out on where to path what to avoid and things like that because for a green tank it can be difficult. Well….we hit a point where RNG, pathing and mob rotation was NOT on our side, my wife got pushed by a vent and attracted one frog and a few of the shrooms. She ran out back to safety but ran a little too far and the 2nd AND 3rd frog pulled her into them, which also aggroed the plants and the jellyfish (can't remember the mob's EXACT names at the moment) Anyway my wife dies (2X) I died (2X) and the healer died (2X) while we were trying to clear this massive mob. My friend, playing summoner and used their insta raise to get the healer the first time, decided to NOPE out and run back to the entrance….Turns out….aside from the frogs, the other mobs had no aggro reset range in that first room! XD We were freaking spawn camped for a good 3 minutes fighting dying and repeat until they were cleared! (We never wiped which is probably how we were spawn camped lol) My friend, and myself who have played for 2 years at that point and the healer who has been playing for about 4 have NEVER seen that happened before and were just dying with laughter. I think we stood at the entrance laughing our asses off for a good 3 – 5 minutes going "DID YOU KNOW THAT WAS A THING?!" "WTF JUST HAPPENED???"


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