FFXIV: Live Letter LXXXV (85) Date Announced! – Patch 7.2


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#FFXIV #Meoni #Dawntrail

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


21 thoughts on “FFXIV: Live Letter LXXXV (85) Date Announced! – Patch 7.2”

  1. I really hope Yoshi P has been acknowledging all of the videos that have been released on this platform lately about the current state of Dawntrail and FFXIV in general. The game is slowly dying due to content drought and their "Golden Formula" since ShB is becoming stale for many players. 497k players have dropped since Dawntrail. They NEED to take risks if the game wants to last for another 10 years.

  2. Patch 7.2 : New savage tier, new extreme, new items, new quest, new gathering gear, new battle gear (DUH), new crafter gear DOL/DOH (Duh). Unnecesary balance changes that won't fix any class(DRG will still be fked after the changes, Picto still god tier, SMN and MCH on the garbage can etc.) New emotes, NEW PVP changes, unlimited old currency, the announcement of the relic weapon quest which won't be ready until 7.2.5 đŸ€Ą. Cosmic exploration(HUGE MAYBE because it can be for 7.3, if not, then patch 7.2.5 lmao) new mounts added(obviously the ex and savage ones)A list of bug fixes no one has ever heard about. (sounds like a lot, but it really isn't)

    What we won't get: Goldsaucer update, good class changes, no deep dungeon, No cosmic exploration(possibly) no relics(possibly), gear still stale and useless outside savage, Viera and Hroths will still have problems regarding gear, MSQ quality PROBABLY won't change(let's hope they cook something good). No updated textures for the rest of the armors, they'll add about 16 upgraded textures and mostly for paid items. They won't fix hunts, the open world or any of the problems they have been criticized for the past half a year.

  3. There's a lot that needs to be addressed by the team and I wouldn't get my hopes up about it happening in this live-letter, but possibly a live-letter nearing the end of *2025:

    – Blacklist plugin outrage
    – Content drought
    – Untranslated dialogue in ENG version from JP version (complacency, neglect, lower professional? I'd scrutinize the english side first on this one)
    – Job strikes
    – Massive player departure from the game
    – Lack of PVE Job tuning/PVP overtuning
    – The MSQ/Side-Quest imbalance (most complaints are around the odd choice of music placement and disjointed feel of the messages of villains, the lack of response from WOL; lots of complains I've seen on that)
    – Repeated recycling of the game's formula with very little change for veterans and new players alike (MSQ, do raids for gear, exhaust the new content in a short matter of time, go back and scrape up some old content you maybe didn't complete; list is getting shorter with each expansion)
    – Tone-deaf responses from team and Square; lack of customer care

    List could go a bit further but I can stop there. There's so much that needs to be done and isn't being conveyed to the public that you have to wonder what the goal is. Doesn't seem long-term with all of the issues popping up, but we'll see.

    *It usually takes a year of going down a negligent path for a game company to turn around and try to make money again when their new tactic loses them boatloads of potential revenue. Took Blizzard longer due to money made off of other IPs but they only have WoW left. Square is really only making money off FFXIV and they're pulling a Kotick at present.

  4. if you know Japanese devs you know there is maybe a 1% Chance they will Address the formula being boring and 0.5% Chance of trying something new and deviating from the Plan… 8.0 is the best you can hope for

  5. Honestly they need to look at other games for inspiration again. As someone who played Runescape housing is a gold mine. Give us instanced housing like runescape had where we get to build our own home from the ground up(they probably go "but muh spaghetti code"). That would keep people busy for a while. There's many more untapped possibilities but thats my little suggestion.


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