FFXIV – Live Letter 71 Date & Details!

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/64cdbeaaa0761db550e4a143b5a8cee363c3d490

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27 thoughts on “FFXIV – Live Letter 71 Date & Details!”

  1. if criterian dungeons aren't good as mythic+ then its useless… and island sanctuary i hope lets people use there housing stuff.. for people who dont have homes to have a reason to grind for it

  2. What I'd love to see and really be surprising, if the new Trial is all Four Fiends together, just like late in FF4. Then we could argue who the next two Trials might turn out to be instead of expecting to do it like with the Weapons (as fun as Sapphire Weapon was, not being a Trial was still a bit of a bummer)

  3. so looking forward to what island sanctuary is – if its good, i'll have nice content to look forward to. if its bad, i'll have lots of fun watching reddit and content creators mald over their inflated expectations not being met 😀

  4. I'm honestly looking forward to how the main story goes for 6.2 and who the trial is gonna be. If I were to guess..it's maybe gonna be the Earth fiend Scarmolegene..I think I said his name wrong. Or Midon as his other name. Or maybe change it up and it'll be Cagnazzo.

    I'm also curious how their gonna do the 2nd tier of raid fights in Pandemonium. We gotta have at least some Final Fantasy 2 references. Or at least allusions to them.

  5. As cool as it would be, I don't think the Four Fiends will be the Trial Series, for a couple of reasons.

    1: It's usually 3 Trials, plus or minus a dungeon/instance.
    2: The Trial series is usually not as prodiminant in the MSQ as Golbez and the Four Fiends are being depicted.

    But that's my thoughts on it.

  6. Personally, I'm excited to see what happens with island sanctuary. I'm sure the other content will be amazing as it largely always is with Final Fantasy titles. Also, blitzball when?


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