FFXIV Live Letter 67 Overview & Thoughts

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38 thoughts on “FFXIV Live Letter 67 Overview & Thoughts”

  1. Y'know I hope the lottery periods for houses will be rolling instead of in blocks, so people who are less set on a particular plot can have a chance of buying another one if they don't win the first one. Seems kinda shitty to lock everyone to one shot at having a house before they're ALL gone(let's be real, there won't be any left after the first lottery period)

  2. People need to stop being children, this game is not more important then anything else. And I have always said, never take off work for things like this, and if you do, you can't get mad if something like this happens

  3. I work in retail at Walmart so for the next six weeks working in electronics I’m working 12 hr shifts for the holidays until after Christmas so this release change kinda helps me out a little bit. but not much still glad it got pushed back to fine tune things for the game so hyped for it I’ve been talking new players into playing it at my job for months now and I can see Xbox version coming soon as well in the next year or two to bring more players into ffxiv.

  4. The delay really screwed up for me. I won't be able to play it for weeks. Halo 6 takes priority unless I can finally fucking travel which in that case makes it so I won't be able to play FFXIV for 2 months. Fucking hell.

  5. It's kinda fucked for me, with the previous release date I would have time to no-life week 1 savage but now I'm only going to be free on the first 2 days… it's unlikely but maybe I'll be able to clear on day 2 lol.

  6. 10:58 If you compare to the Dungeon Crawl video, I believe this dungeon is the Amaurotine-looking dungeon with the multiple biomes stitched together. There was a snow area featured in the video, and you can see beyond that wall of light a different biome of green hills!

  7. I'm going to assume the "long time no see" character is going to be the Merchant brother you you arrived with when you first made your character, as far as I'm aware we haven't seen them since the end of ARR. But who knows. They were there at the beginning of our Story, it only makes sense that they'd be there for the end of it ^w^ (well the 'Ark' not the WHOLE story, but I digress)

  8. I understood the role quest requirement in Shadowbringers because of the interaction with the crafter, the crystal was the catalyst to reinvigorate his creative mojo so he could make the lamp in the story. no role quest completion, no crystal to inspire him. if theres no requirement this time around just means theres no tying narrative between role quests and MSQ.

  9. Honestly, I hope they give out series exp based on personal performance, not on winning or losing. I'm not into pvp, but I'd like to get into it with EW, but this announcement of the series system has me worried that it will simply attract people who want to grind it out, not caring if it only gives half the exp for losing.

  10. I completely understand but I’ve seen an overwhelming positive attitude towards the dev team. While it does suck to an extent I respect their decision to take the time and do it right.

  11. The Roe armour is the healer variant of caster which is Rydia's outfit, but the Roe is male so it has a slightly different look as seen with the Dancer af armour sets.
    Paladin Cecil looks amazing, I'm just hoping that cape doesn't clip with the sheathed sword like the other Paladin af sets 🙁

  12. I want to know if they're gonna do anything to compensate players because of this? For alot of people December is a blackout month for time off and all hands on deck are needed on the weekend so no early access for you. I hope at least refunds are on the table because I paid for early access and there's a realistic chance I'm not gonna get to participate. Words are cheap and tears are free, Yoshida is 47 guys and an executive of a billion dollar company, sorry for not feeling much pity for the guy. Granted personal attacks on him are not okay and he hasn't taken the sort of reputational dive Peter Molyneux, Todd Howard or Randy Pitchford has so he doesn't deserve abuse. However he admitted himself that this was his fault and frankly as a director and producer he should've known better and made this call at least two weeks sooner. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.

    At least I still have Pokemon. Nintenbros win again.

  13. Luckily I'm only slightly inconvenienced by the delay, I literally just have to find something to do for a month. It is unfortunate and disappointing but I fully trust Yoshi-P on this. The kind of honesty he displayed in the LL is pretty admirable too.

  14. I hear a lot of people lementong him heading chat, but I think that is brave and really cool.

    I know it can be a mental drain to deal with chatters, so I respect that he is willing to let live chat wash over him. It's part of what makes him a great mmo dev.


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