FFXIV: Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXI (81) Summary

This is condensed information from over 4 hours of live letter.
Job action trailer :

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#FFXIV #Meoni #Endwalker

Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

0:00 – intro
0:43 – DDoS Feedback
6:46 – Job Adjustments Start
8:24 – Tanks
11:15 – Melee DPS
15:03 – Viper
17:03 – Ranged Phys
18:28 – Magical Ranged DPS
21:43 – Pictomancer
28:25 – Healers
32:19 – PvP
33:32 – Announcements


21 thoughts on “FFXIV: Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXI (81) Summary”

  1. I said it years ago and ill make good on it. Adding actions dependant of living shadow is the last thing I wanted and kills whatever interest I had left in drk. Played it since hw launched and ive hated how its been dumbed down every expansion. How aggressive it was in hw is why I loved it and now more summon nonsense.

  2. Thank you for great recap❤ remove ress from summoner is ruff😢 astro gets my attention, only loved it while Heavensward. As whm main I'm pretty satisfied this far😊. Picto feels confusing for now😮.

  3. Seems kinda an odd choice to remove res from summoner considering that they start as an arcanist who learn it at level 12…so what….they just forgot how to res people once they became a summoner? I get that scholar also starts as arcanist…still seems weird to have the spell, and lose it as you become a summoner.

  4. Personally I'm quite hopeful for the Astro change, me and many others have wanted to see a good way of bringing the unique card effects back without having it be a roll to pray you got a damage boost. The only thing I'm skeptical about is how it might just turn into another generic healer gauge, the way it looks now makes me think its just going to feel like Scholar's Aetherflow (which isn't solely a bad thing) but it may remove from the jobs uniqueness. All in all though I'm optimistic.

  5. I see a lot of people saying the 1-2-3 combo of jobs can be merged into one button, but I don't see that being mentioned anywhere in the Live letter, and they didn't show any examples of it either. All I got from what they showed is that some buttons that already DO change have the option to NOT change. Am I misunderstanding something?

  6. NIN main: I really like what I see for Ninja. I like how it feels to play now but the huton-hide-suiton pre-fight prep was busywork for its own sake. I think it makes a lot of sense to rework that piece of the kit. While it does involve some level of skill to keep your buff up, it's not strategic, there's no reason to not have huton active. So making it a permanent trait:
    – Offers room for a more interesting gauge, this new kunai thing
    – Gives players more ranged AOE options
    – Gives us easier access to hide in combat which we were already doing before combat
    I like what I see, excited to get my hands on the new moves!

  7. I don't often go to the forums and comment, but as a SMN main, I'm worried about the Res situation. At least give us a dot back or some other buff so we can remain viable for when metas swing around. 🙂 Otherwise, as a WHM (secondary main), that gap closer has me salivating.

  8. Healer main. WHM seems to be getting what people have been asking for – a movement tool (forward dash), an AOE shield (looks like) for party mitigation, and a Fell Cleave/Inner Release Presence of Mind phase. These are things people have been asking for in some way, so…cool? SGE on the other end now has an AOE DoT (Miasma 2) and an AOE Kardia. These are two low hanging fruits people have been suggesting and promoting for 2 years now, so SGE is basically getting (most) everything people have wanted.

    SCH and AST are more complicated. SCH seems to be getting another Expedience-moment where people are complaining about the aesthetics of an ability that will likely prove extremely strong and overall useful, and SCH will likely continue to be the meta pick. It's also getting something more akin to old Shadowflare than Miasma 2, but as that WAS something some people had been asking for…they're still going to complain about it. I already looked at the official forums and they are complaining about it, but they complain about everything and mass report people who disagree to get them banned. I suspect this will be one of those things people complain about, but then turns out to be really strong, then everyone will say they knew it would be and were hyping it during this period when they certainly were not. For my part, I think it's neat, and I think this along with the (maybe?) WHM change may be the pure/barrier split going away, which I think would be a positive.

    AST I don't really understand now and never have really enjoyed, so I have no idea if this is good or bad. As always, its animations are gorgeous, but I'm not sure if this helps or hurts the APM. I feel like it will make using cards less hectic in burst since you will only have one offensive one, and people have been suggesting having different types but also with the fear of Balance fishing returning, and this avoids that. It remains to be seen if this will be taken as good or not. Not sure how people are taking that one yet, honestly.


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