Trailer for benchmark :
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#FFXIV #Meoni #dawntrail
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
0:00 – intro
3:50 – New Stuff Starts Here
24:38 – Event Schedule
I wish they had used a few other races in addition to lalafell. No hate against lalafell but they aren't always the best model to showcase gear on or graphics on.
I wonder if the mount tilting will be applied to the cash shop mounts too?
I ask this because I have a magic broom that could definitely benefit from it; since it barely has any animations to it, since its a stick with a lantern.
Also I hope the Anti-aliasing package update will help with things like wooden planks, which when I'm near (even just standing still) the edges look jagged even close up and you could say the same for stairs, but the weird thing is the flicker. Like it's moving when you stand still, because of all the gaps between the boards which really looks weird. I get this is an mmorpg but it's really distracting, especially in cutscenes. I'd evena ccept a blur to fix it, but the one in-game still flickers somehow XD
The graphics showcase have only solidified my decision to just make a brand new character going into dawntrail. So excited to get sucked back in.
Bruh, this graphical update is coming at the right time with me upgrading my pc to a 5800x3d and 7900 xtx! :3
i like it cause it looks a little better
but really cause it looks like i can still run it
as always Meoni, your Summary Video always helped me to catch up for the news :3
So happy with the blacklist stuff thank god
Another 16 dlc and still no pc port 😭
There was a survey on the lodestone and it was quite big.
I'll kinda miss the squapes… 🙂
About time for graphics update long time waiting for it and ty for the vid …
My biggest takeaway from this is that, to most of the english playerbase, FFXIV is a game
But the game is still boring specially with the high end contents (not casual stuff) it's just repetitive over and over and over
The synic in me makes me think those blacklist changes were made to make the idea of cross region travel easier to stomach.
Thank you, as always! I watched the box opening but kind of gave up because I couldn't understand Fox. 😅 I need to get back to learning jap just for these, lol!
Aaaaahh! I wish you'd of kept a little more footage of Tural during nighttime so everyone else could appreciate what I saw
You can see the hanging lamps actually swaying in the breeze which is honestly incredible. Little details like that just make everything feel so alive.
Great video as always 🙂
Does that mean that will finally be able to permanently block bot post about RMT?
why would they turn off the natural eye movement during cutscenes! i feel like that would be the best time to have that enabled… obviously not if they're being scripted to look at something but ya know ,,, its weird if they just stare unblinkly randomly at one spot somewhere
😮 ffxiv Branded chips/crisps can't wait to try the new party wipe flavor
Hello hope you are doing well ^^
7.0 MSQ is going to hardstall on day one as everyone runs through every area of the game to look at the floor and go through their mount list to see which ones lean
Thank you so much! Your channel is ahead my first stop for FFXIV news ❤
I'm very impressed with the Graphics Update; so much so that I'm planning on replaying the entire MSQ once it drops.
Hope they rework ability visuals to not be so awful. Havent met anyone who doesn't turn off at least their partys ability visuals. I even turn off my own because they're so gaudy and mediocre.
This is going to melt my ps4.
The insane thing about all those social changes was they decided to do those 6 months ago. That's insane to me, considering they definitely heard feedback about rewards for the first Criterion Dungeon and didn't do anything at all until the last one came out.
Meoni thank you for being apart of my FFXIV journey for such a long time. I've been watching your videos since I started playing. And thank you for another great summary. You're the best! ♥ Also really hoping that this next Moogle Trove event gives great rewards for long time players. A lot of the recent ones I had no need to really participate because I had everything I needed. Including MGP.
That weirdly leathery forehead on the WOL in the benchmark trailer is really distracting.
I want the new stand alone character creation with updated graphics, i was hoping that would have been announced along with the benchmark.
21:20 yay! finally… filter out venue shout ads with words they always use… no more of that shit clogging MY chat log….
I live in Germany and got invited to the survey after fan-fest. I have played for three years and I'm a mentor.
The graphics update looks less detailed in some pictures. Some look great, some not so great.
I'm so annoyed that they gave female Hrothgar tiny heads again. Haven't they learned from Elezen. Also, we totally need that hairstyle that the main guy is sporting in the trailer. It's amazing.
Kugane Tower 2.0, Blacklist and Graphical Update – It was time they do smth to protect us from all those weirdos who mix up the game with a dating plattform – thx Yoshi-P.
until now the graphics update i could barley notice any differences with the shown images, but seeing it in action side by side…wow its better than i thought it would be
thank you very much, Meoni! ♥
i'm going to miss the harsher shadows a bit, not gonna lie
Choosing to show the updates with lalafells is hilarious 😂😂 you can't even tell if they're graphically better or not
Those player survey stats come from the 10th anniversary survey they held last year, everyone with an account could participate.
I'm going to NG+ everything once I'm done DT, and I can't wait.
We need new bard features! Wish they would add a real hi-hat cymbal, or bass guitar. Would improve performances a lot!
So the first thing I noticed with the lalafell model is the eyes have pupils now. Did he change his subrace, or is that how all Dunesfolk look now?
The biggest difference I've seen is how the new shadows/anti-aliasing in lush areas don't flicker in the shroud and even in the benchmark they showed off! If you go to central shroud and walk around mid day with clear skies and pay attention to the leaves and shadows everything flickers and its very very ugly. But when I was looking at the 7.0 comparison I didn't notice that at all and im so excited to test out how much they improved the shadows amongst all the other amazing updates.
The new grass/flora update! No other MMO will have an outdoors this nice. And I've been DYING for SWTOR and GW2 to do exactly this – overhaul graphics! Because the difference between old textures and new is VAST, and it would be nice to see the older zones and gear look as good as the new. (I can't get over the Il Mheg flowers!!!)
I bought an NVIDIA 4060 with DLSS just because of the specs they suggested you have several months back! Glad to see the DLSS will be useful!
I would think the expulsion from your estate would be…permanent? Only ten days?? But the blacklist version of it is super nice.
This is why I paused my sub, after 6.55. I just can't go back to the old version of this game anymore. I will resub for Dawntrail. Can't wait!
This is all great stuff and it looks like SE worked very hard for this. But when are they going to work just as hard to fix the glam system? How is it that we're in 2024, in a 10 year old + game, with hundreds if not thousands of collectible pieces, and we still ONLY get 20 plates???
All of this is really nice to see especially the lighting looking better on the characters face. Really looking forward to having better lighting being shot naturally on them now instead of that weird harshness we have now.