FFXIV – Lalafell School Experience (part 1)

Wheat and Narnia’s First Day at School.
After their time at Eorzea Got Talent, they decided it was time to go back to the basics and start learning about the wonderful world of Final Fantasy XIV.
It looks like their first class is Art, which is a subject that requires creativity, skill and alot of love.
Will they get through this class or will they fail and go through detention?

Find out in this episode of Lalafell School Experience.

my twitter: https://twitter.com/Wheat_Tee
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wheattee_
i have a discord but i’m insanely bad at taking care of it…

songs used:

► if there are any mods in this video that looked interesting comment down below! I will try reply because i genuinely forgot. ( THERES A LOT )
https://trello.com/c/uQzGPmyE/24-%F0%9F%8E%92-aminal-backpacks – Frog Backpack
https://ko-fi.com/s/9f41e585d8 – Frog Hat

Characters Featured:
Black Cap Lalafell – Booki
Red Hair Lalafell – Rem
Hawaiian Lalafell – https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelReeves
Teacher – https://www.youtube.com/@LilyPichu


and ALWAYS a BIG Thanks to @Sufferhymn for all the help behind the scenes related to editing / sound effects / FFXIV will always be really grateful for the help.

#ffxiv #lalafell #finalfantasy14


16 thoughts on “FFXIV – Lalafell School Experience (part 1)”

  1. Hallo!

    I wanted to update ya'll on whats happening with this series!

    This video I'd say took about 2 weeks? Working on it basically everyday for like 4-12hrs depending on how free i am. That's kinda the time frame you can expect a new video.

    By the time i finish this series, I expect the video to be around 20-30 mins long, so LONGEST on the channel so far.

    Each part will be treated as its own, each having their own idea under the concept of "School". It will continue an overarching story between the two main characters finding out what their relationship is with each other.

    I am 100% going to put as much love + heart into each episode and this entire series. It will be, NO DOUBT the best thing i will create so far on this channel.

    ( also i plan to make a playlist of all the videos that are related to each other through story / concept etc. for eg. all my old videos together, This video + the last one yknow. If you wanna follow the story :3 )

    Thank Yew and have a Nice Day!


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