[FFXIV] Lahabrea final acts voiced acted by Kyle Hebert

Lahabrea’s ending voice acted by his original actor, Kyle Hebert.

You may find Kyle’s cameo here:


9 thoughts on “[FFXIV] Lahabrea final acts voiced acted by Kyle Hebert”

  1. It's sad that the final moments of one of the most important characters in the game didn't get VA, so I had to do something about it.

    Also, it would've been cool to have an art with the three paragons, as a goodbye of the antagonists of the Zodiark & Hydaelyn saga.

  2. AAAAAAAA thank you for doing this! As a Lahabrea fan, I felt a little sad with Pandaemonium's story focusing more on the characters that surrounded Lahabrea instead of just learning about him from him, like Emet and Elidibus got during Shadowbringers. So to have this is so nice!! Thank you!! ;v;


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