Final Fantasy 14 player Strawberry Cheesetart (also part of team “exception” which was banned from fflogs for cheating) is also accused for cheating in FFXIV jumping puzzles speedruns. Xeno reads the Google Doc put together by long time jumping puzzle speedrunner @bouncymiqo with all the cheating evidence.
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Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: leo.coman)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
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no view in 45 sec rip
Cheesetart drama aside the sheer creativity of the FFXIV housing community is always awesome to see.
lol The comeback of Pint is at hand
"what is this a garden, look at all these sprouts" LOL
There really is a drama for everything in this game
I tried creating a void, the shear dedication of making ones of this caliber is amazing.
a top fflogger caught cheating…again, must be day that ends in 'Y'.
What is the music at 2:22 ?
they sprouting in the server for the puzzles
I never thought my silly document would pay this kinda dividends someday 😅
This isn't enough evidence… "I find it highly unlikely" isn't evidence. You finding something "unlikely" doesn't magically make it be evidence of what you want. Sorry.
I was suspicious when I saw from 6:25 I guess he wasn't the only speed runner, it was a world first speed run contest, everyone was crazy fast in the video I was so confused lol
"Trust me bro" the document.
Gold saucer leap of fate drama next please
I love this community
Pint also gave a shoutout to Strawberry Cheesetart in his Kugane Tower speedrun video.
Everytime I plan to move to FFXIV from wow I just can't ever afford it…. Ugh!
imagine having the time to cry about a jumping puzzle….
Karl Jobst is a legend
Never underestimate people’s autism when it comes to dissecting speedruns
Man, people really like winning in video games
I thought this was some joke video but it is actually serious…
FFXIV community will never disappoint me.
Toolee-ohlee 😭😭😭
I did that donkey kong puzzel. That shit was so fucking hard for me i never finished lol
Someone send this to karl jobst.
I’m still more impressed by wavebearer’s jumping puzzle clears using a steering wheel.
There was/is always a speedrun drama. Never thought it would reach FFXIV