FFXIV JP Community Reacts to "Just Play A Healer" | Work To Game

FFXIV JP Community Reacts to “Just Play A Healer” | Work To Game
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30 thoughts on “FFXIV JP Community Reacts to "Just Play A Healer" | Work To Game”

  1. playing two characters is not easy you need a lot of spare "time" to do story on alt .The alt is at the start of 6.2 atm but i have no intention of doing it because i am not doing savage atm but when i was doing savage it was a lot of investment to do it two times before a tier comes out kind of sucks only fun to do it when you have a lot of time on your hands and can do it .

    you can already trade in crafted gear for tokens that can get you any kind of upgraded crafted gear but that's always at the end of a tier that you can do that only

  2. ff14 is not exactly alt friendly… it's not even really alt job friendly. The more jobs you level the slower the leveling gets as you become more relegated to nothing but fates / dungeons or buy a skip. first few jobs are fine but after that it starts getting dog slow.

    however speaking as someone who has main'd healer since 1.0, "just play healer" i find a little funny and at the same time a good point. The healers are not all exactly the same but I tell you what, waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many DPS and Tanks think they are, IMO more people SHOULD play healer so they understand the differences between them at the very least. (not gonna happen but since we're dreaming I'd like a unicorn too)

    let's not even get into the "blame the healer" mentality that is rife in MMO's in general (and not just FF14) and now with "parsing" and other elements of division, meh… and people wonder why I only run healer for friends / LS.

  3. This late into the tier, gear doesnt matter if you decide to pick up healing. As long as you have crafted gear, while assuming members of your party have been doing their weeklies & clears each week. Not to mention leftover books and coffers you could use that you didnt for a main. You actually would be doing less healing regardless.

    People aren't healing because 1. It's become boring. 2. SE has encouraged the playerbase that not playing optimally is fine. In result, casual healers are being punished by heal checks and tankbusters with bleeds.

  4. Healing in this game sucks. It's backwards. The better people get the less healing they need… then what do you do? Mash a single button. It's why I rarely play my healers. I bet they are least popular.

  5. I have many alts and I like having them I get bored having one character. I don't worry about doing raids since its not my thing. I would do it with friends but that's rare. I just finally got into tanking and healing took me years. Everyone is different but ill still have alts no matter what.

  6. The idea of gradually reducing tome costs has merit, though when you're talking about needing up to 6 (closer to 505) sets of gear (Fending, Maiming, Scouting, Striking, Healing, Casting) it could get a little messy but it may work. I don't like the trade in idea, especially with materia being a thing. I would maybe consider a combination of a reduced cost over time combined with a gear rework of sorts.

    In a perfect world, a complete rework may be the better option. Doing things like Star Wars: The old Republic. In SWTOR, all gear from any source is completely cosmetic. The stats on gear come from 3 armor/weapon modifications. Found a new chest piece that you like the look of more? Swap your armor insert, armor modification, and armor augmentation to the new gear and it now has the stats of the original piece. You raid for the look and for the armor inserts themselves but then you can move the stats between pieces as you see fit. Something like that where you ran Savage for 630 armor inserts that you could drag and drop to the set that you want would be a great option.

    The acquisition rates would be able to remain the same as well as the over all cost so the stretch of each gear set would still last between patches as it does now with less restriction. The acquisition is tied to a single run per fight per week regardless.

    Unfortunately a system like this would likely require a serious pivot and would probably have to be implemented on a .0 patch like the next expansion.

  7. The issue ppl not playing healers is not the responsibility of the game, but the individual community.

    if there are lacking healers, devs shouldn't be fixing this petty issue and every player should really play EVERY JOB equally.

    But that's just me. I play every role, so my muscle memory for every job is still fresh.

    And this is coming as a semi 1.0 player with over 11k hrs

  8. Overall, I'm hoping the solution isn't "Lets make the Healer Role even more braindead to play." This isn't a Job Design issue, or Gearing Issue; in fact playing Healer is super easy imo(the only difficulty to the class is "stupid" people and that's a fact), it's Healers are fed up with PF and majority of them are in Statics they're sticking to. As a Healer role main, this is our middle finger to the rest of the community. We're just not making it a big deal because we've been dead set in our ways and been saying the same things for a long time now. So, we're tired of being told what we should feel & play, when we want to play another way. Now everyone is losing their minds besides the Healers, and it's pretty funny. Of course, I don't speak for every single Healer out there. Some may even disagree with what I have to say here, and that's okay!

    Edit: We want more DPS buttons, because if everyone in our group plays well, all we have to heal are Raid Wides, Tank Busters, and Manage Debuffs. Outside of that we keep our DoT up and Mash ONE BUTTON.

  9. We get it, you both are super elitist raiders. But guess what, you don't NEED to be a max gear level character to do the Savage raids. You don't even need to min/max to play and beat Savage.

    Stop pretending like you do.

  10. I tried healing in FF14, I have healed in many other mmos. I got so bored I was struggling to stay away. Only time I had fun with it was in PoTD/HoH when more then one person was taking damage and I had to react to stuff. Got all jobs in the game to 85+ and the healer jobs by far where the hardest ones to level .

  11. To be fair, players are often disbarred trying because of ilvl expectations being unrealistic. Having another method gear progression would help. It took me two months to get 5 people together. And I couldn’t cap every single week so I have to deal with being just over i612 from EX weapon and a cap or two.

  12. Discount healing and fending gear. Reduce tome cost of healing gear by 50% and fending gear by 25%.

    Most statics funnel dps gear. Cool. So still drop same amount of chest but in addition always drop additional healing and fending gear.

  13. as a savage raider who did just switch from one Gear Set to another (Ninja/Ranged to Tanking), I do disagree with a few points here, especially with the topic at hand in mind:

    1) Getting a new tome set might be annoying, sure. But it's not a big deal unless you make it into a big deal. All fights are clearable with on minimum ilvl aka crafted, so anything you get after the fact only makes the fights easier. "Being behind on gear" is therefore less of a problem.

    2) The cost of upgrading or maintaining a second set of crafted gear, food, pots is also mostly a non-issue. You're not playing alone in your group and if your static is asking you to switch, then they will help you get the gear you need to start raiding. And they will make sure you catch up on Savage gear as well to make progress easier. If they just tell you to "go healer" and offer no assistance or even call you out for not having the gear at hand already, then the issue isn't with switching roles or the game system, but with the static.

    3) So… so far, all the issues are self-made and don't have much to do with the system itself. Could it be better? Sure. But outside of the World First Race (which is player made) clearing Savage isn't about getting there on day one. You can take your time and you will "catch up" on your gear eventually. And you will be able to clear the fights no matter if you all 8 players have their BiS prior to beating the last fight.

    The real issue I see here is what was mentioned in the (highlighted) comments, and that again is a player issue, not a game issue (though the game COULD do a better job …. mitigating that):

    4) Healers have the worst job on current endgame content. Healing checks are real this tier – both in Savage and in EX4 – and if raidwide damage isn't mitigated correctly, people will die. And sadly a LOT of the player base thinks that any incoming damage is solely for the Healers to deal with. Either with Shields or with Regens and making sure everyone is healed to full.
    This current tier more than any other in a while has made Mitigation a group effort. Especially in non-BiS gear. So, "just play Healer" can become an issue in a group where players only think about their DPS and don't use mitigation.
    So, again: if you see yourself in a group that leaves you, the new Healer, to fend for yourself without offering any support at all: Find a better group. From PF to regular statics, ANY and ALL groups should be both aware of mitigation and plan for it. Discuss which Tank uses Reprisal on what, have the DPS figure out where Addle, Feint and Tactician/Samba/Troubador are used to make the most out of those skills, because you will not clear otherwise. Mitigation – just like DPS – is a group effort.

    Now, as I said at the start: I just switched from a DPS role to a Tank. While I had Crafted Gear prepared (in fact I have all tier sets prepared, but that's just me), I have yet to kill EX4, so I have no weapon from that fight, nor an easy way of getting one. I also had no Tank Tome pieces at all and even missed out on a P8N kill at the start of the tier. So I'm behind by quite a bit and all my new static said to that is that the Healers had a quick discussion about it to make sure I was kept alive after the P5S tankbusters. My co-tank (shoutout to Cloud) helped me figure out the mitigation for those and I did my best to actively talk to the group whenever I messed up. We even had our Melees plan out their Feints, to ensure for as much mitigation as possible.

    Last night, we cleared P5S for my first time, in our third or fourth lockout. My Tank is still on 610 ilvl overall (though with some tome and normal raid pieces) and no one complained once to me that my gear was too low. In fact, several people in the static are playing on alt characters or alt jobs. And we still got the clear. Sure, it's week 7 or 8 or whatever. But… does that matter? We're making progress, we're having fun and we have a static that is a team of 8 players who work together. And that's what raiding should be about.

    "Just try healing" is a totally okay statement and honestly, more players should try healing – because that would show them even more clearly, how important mitigation is. And should they go back to their unga-bunga DPS jobs, maybe they remember those lessons they've learned and actually use their full kit – mitigation included. And that would make the entire player base better.

  14. I think a big issue is that Tanks and DPS never really got trained to use their mitigation and utility skills so now that SE made content that's actually fun for healers in theory, the issue is, it's only fun if the party is all pulling their weight but since there are loads of endgame raiders that will just flat out admit they've never even touched buttons like Feint/Addle, Mantra, etc, it becomes more of a social issue than a game design one. When you add in the fact that there's still this toxic idea that healers should be able to just hard carry everyone so if anything goes wrong they get blamed, and yeah, no one wants to do it because when it's fun you are forced to rely on your party actually using their tools, not greeding, being aware of things like vuln stacks so they don't blame you for not healing enough when it's not your fault, and when healing is easy then it's boring because we don't touch half our kit and spend most of the fight spamming 1 button(they NEED to give at least 2 of the healers more DPS variance, it's so boring DPSing on healer, I'd even take a stacked 1 button combo so it at least looks cool and breaks up the damage more). The one good thing is now it has started forcing some people to try healing so they realize how hard and stressful it can be especially when you get to feel what it's like when the rest of the party doesn't push their buttons and blames you.

  15. I main healing and love healing to death in this game – healing in this game is amazing, fun, engaging, and I love the heck out of it – but my issue is more gearing my other roles. I try to keep my tank and a DPS (caster) gear up and running well. I do like how well gearing is done in this game. I can use the lower-class tomes to get DECENTLY good gear (and Aglaia coins/hunt currency for the upgrade pieces), and the Normal 8 mans for it.

    I don't go hardcore about it, I kind of just keep it going passively, so it's not too bad, and when I feel particularly frisky, I can chain run Extremes to get other weapons.

    My issue is more that I don't do Savages much – I've finally started with EW and cleared (since I don't have a Static and just PF) the first boss (Cleared P1S quite a few times, P2S a handful, and now I'm doing P5S once per week), but I'm not really interested in doing the rest because of the community. The community wants healers to be DPSers/Green DPS, and I hate that. I will Glarespam with the best of them, but I hate when I post on a forum just to discuss things and the first thing I get is "Look at you with your gray/green parses!" because I actually DO use abilities like Medica 2 or Regen. Apparently, using my toolkit is "bad".

    And I've been fortunate enough to be in groups that didn't blame the healers for mistakes and DPSers dying, but I've heard the horror stories.

    I like healing. I don't like DPSing. If I liked DPSing, I'd play a DPS Job. I will passively DPS during dead time (if I don't need to cast a heal, I'm not going to stupidly just stand there waiting on MP5 that doesn't exist in FFXIV, because why would I? That's just stupid…), but the idea that we need heavy DPS rotations or are judged by our damage output and browbeaten in unrelated conversations over parses that we don't even run (I don't run damage meters because I'm one of those "Lawful Good" types that doesn't do what's illegal – "It's not illegal if you don't get caught" is not a valid argument to my mind), but I do what I can, I'm good at actually HEALING, and I can obviously clear content – I say gray/green, but I also have blue parses, meaning I'm not the weakest link holding back my teams and am "average".

    The problem is the community are dicks to healers who aren't DPSers/Green DPS.

    That's why there's a healer shortage.

    And then when you make healing harder, people that like healing MIGHT like that, except (a) they get blamed for wipes and (b) they're still expected to be min-maxing Green DPS.

    That's why there's a shortage. All the people saying "healing is boring" are contributing to the healer shortage. All the people saying "healers need more complex DPS rotations" are contributing to the healer shortage. etc etc.

    People just don't want to admit that there are plenty of capable healers that just don't want to heal Savage because of the community and/or the perception of the community towards healers.


    What's the solution? Not sure, but I will say the community's "Green DPS/everything is about damage" mentality is a strong contender for why.

    After this tier, the Devs are probably going to have to make healing easier, as a lot of healers are being scared off from it because of the higher difficulty while the people supposedly insisting healing should be "harder" to not be "bored" aren't stepping in to fill the gap.


    I'm not sure how to make gear the best. Removing caps might help – if not on everything (e.g. higher tomes) at least on some things (e.g. token drops from normals). And there is an issue with homogenization.

    I will say that ARR had LESS gear sets. For example, pick up caster gear from ARR and you'll notice, until level cap, it had Mind AND Int on it. It is also funny to me how NIN share the right side accessories with Ranged.

  16. Honestly this is an issue with the holy trinity system that I dont think will ever truely go away, most people will gravitate to whatever they like or whatever is easiest to play. Dps will always be the easiest to play as far as personal reaponsibility so theres going to be a large difference in dps players vs healers and tanks, and whichever is currently easier responsibility wise between tank/healer is what comes next in number of players. Thus has been a problem for the entirety of ffxiv and, as far as I understand, all tank/healer/dps centered mmos.

  17. I really want loot system heavily revised, we shouldn't be locked to 1 role bis with 5 available roles and 19 jobs used for newest raids for 6-7 weeks, or be required to have 2nd alt just to gear another role, while doing split clears is highly useful in gearing quicker within 4 weeks of a static rather than 8. So many times i've wanted to play another role but knowing my performance output will be locked to week 1 gear due limited tome cap & raid drops lockouts, so will be using crafted gear with melds until i finish 1 role, it's almost required for me to have more than 2 alts because split clears is that useful, currently have 6 alts raid ready out of 14 that i cap weekly(2,250~2700 tomes a week), but it's all RDMs since it's utility is useful to healers and recovery of pulls. I wish tome capping were at minimum could be used & spent for 3 separate roles, Tank, Healers, and DPS. For example if i cap 450 i should be allowed to spend 450 tomes 3 times, in order to save people time, to avoid burn out, and when it comes to raid loot, be allowed to get 3 coffers per role per floor. Or if anything if they really wanted to make community happy, increase the tome rewards so doesn't take 5 experts a week. If we could do 5 experts to gear 3 roles would be really generous

  18. I think they should just get rid of all time gates. Maybe I'm ignorant to their reasoning but I don't see it as something that adds to the fun. It feels antiquated to me. I don't know. Interesting discussion. Thanks for the video. Howdy ho and sorry for missing the stream. XD

  19. IMO, this "Healer drought" is an issue that needed to happen. The funny thing is that there wasn't really anything mentioned about a statistical decline in healer population. Most likely, they're just staying away from PFs (or maybe specific people in those PFs that they blacklisted). It is absolutely a social issue that suddenly ended up in the spotlight and now people are finally being forced to do something about it. Now, when sigma male Timmy asks why healer slots aren't being filled up in his PF, he will have to consider the idea that maybe people just got tired of dealing with his bs.

  20. The lack of tool-tip healing, the incredibly long cast time of GCDs, the CD time, of oGCDs, the removal of abilities in lower level dungeons so you get zero practice with them (absolutely moronic), all contribute to a healing system that feels clunky and awkward. And I have three healing jobs . . . i'd never recommend the experience to anyone.

    WoWs healing blows FF14 out of the water, sorry to say.

  21. So… the simplest solution here seems to be to just add a vendor that allows you to exchange gear for the same slot from the same gear set. Want to play a tank after 6 weeks of dps? Exchange all your 630 dps raid gear with the 630 tank raid gear, all the 620/30 dps tome gear with the 620/30 tank tome gear. It won't be perfectly homogenous as some slots would not be bis but you'll have the item level to get into groups and experience the fight on the new job. Would this really be game-breaking in any way?

  22. I had tried for reclears with my friends yesterday.
    That other tank was randomly running around the field, the reaper didn't use feint once and the bards mitigation was at different times each pull.
    we've spend 2hours at it before giving up.

  23. Crazy how these big issues have been in the game for the last 8 years, but people are finally getting "bored" enough to notice them. I play the game for its simplicity. Complexity does not live here. (Although i really want it to…)

    Also, please don't believe for a second the tome caps or any progression caps are in place so players don't burn themselves out..🤣.This is a monthly subscription game. The longer you play, the more you pay.

  24. I play DRK, Nin, RDM and AST at savage difficulty. I gitta say, playing other job made me use ALL my cooldowns on every job. Because it really makes a difference in harder content. I think people need to learn. Somehow. And because ppl dont listen, they need to try for themselves.


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