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I said it first the elvan in the armor is the main player of ff11 or is you in ff11 if you play it, i hope they also include the maiden of rhapsody Quest lady who is stock in Eorzia in this collab
59:40 Ru'Ann Gardens Notes.
I know nothing of FFXI outside of AV, the music was beautiful, the areas were amazing and the bosses and their mechanics were very fun!
The Darter adds were actually used by linkshells that didn't get the claim to MPK your group by making Fafnir or Nidhogg dance around and possibly spike flail. Fun times lol
Prishe might be my favorite Alliance raid boss right now. I LOVE when they give bosses a personality. "Nullifying Dropkick to your fat head!" had me rolling.
I kinda hope Prishe joins as an MSQ cast member interactions between her and Alisaie would be the stuff of legend
I think itâs neat to finally see the guy whose moves they were taking for Chaosâs and Shadowkeeperâs move sets.
Even though i never played 11 i have always enjoyed your lore and story breakdowns on the game.
Escha Ruâann you fought the 5 Ark Angels outside instead of the amphitheater and they were for i119+
Loved the note in Ru'Ann gardens đđđ
This raid was super fun!
When I did this on launch, we had trouble finding dps. Tank and Healer queues were like 30 min
1:22:02 black mages needing every staff was actually referenced in Dissidia. Shantotto uses all elemental spell types a black mage could be using, and her model would actually swap what staff she is using depending on the spell sheâs currently firing off.
Iâm glad that Bakool Ja Ja finally made amends for the most terrible thing he ever did.
My blind run last nite, 0.1% left on the last boss with only one 15% hp WAR standing, everyone else was dead. But he made it~ It was fun~cant wait for lala raid XD
FFXI glam? Nice. I set aside a glam for when I'm leveling a melee damage job, replicating the level 1 Bronze Subligar set.
It's hard to think that there is no plans for FFXI aside from providing fan-service with this raid. Watch… the next expansion will be adding XI to the XIV map in some form of remake/merge.
please make 11 with these graphics and performance.
wasn't really enjoyable the first time because it was lacking so bad. and as someone who never played Ff11 i dont find the story really engaging. it just doesnt fit together
The music, the sights, and the mobs made it very tough for me to pay attention on my first run! There is a lot going on compared to previous raids but it was a fun set of fights! When I saw the Spike Flail and the Darters spawn, I lost it and couldn't heal. The AA's were awesome and Shadow Lord fun as well. I love it and can't wait for the next 2 rounds!
At 1:08:30 – I don't get to try this until tonight, but… Is Jeuno an actual zone in the game, or just an instance?
I love Bakools lines in this lol. A FOREST HUH
My favorite emote to use in Limsa Lominsa to search out the FFXI OGs… "/em examines you." followed by "/em checks your bazaar."
If you play a male Miq'ote Prishe says" "Wait…a male Mithra?! Now I've seen everything!!!" and it made me unreasonably happy.
1:29:00 My wife and I pronounce it "Sorrow-mow-goo Champaign."
"Wait for it….
Wait for it….!"
I really enjoy this raid. I never played FF11 or any FF game. It's really making me want to play them.
Mildly disapponted that its electrope constructs vs travelling to another shard. Feels like they took the Omega contest of strength and did a lighter version, the artificial constructs will exist in a bubble and have no impact on the world. At least Onega hand waved the power of the characters we fought since he was so incredibly strong, mamool ja Jafar 'shouldnt' be able to summon things as strong as the shadow lord, or next patch promathia. Its like saying electrope can just manifest beings as strong as zodiark.
You were looking for DESPOT btw.
I feel like it being a fake creation kind of cheapens the awe. "It's all fake" I let out a sigh after learning that.
I don't like being negative, but I wish we were actually really there.
im 34 and i felt like i was 13 again playing ffxi. so many memories came flooding back lol. such a good raid.
Just putting this theory out for the next part, sareel ja wants to turn the shade of gulool ja ja into a powerful leader from vanadiel using the ancients power, he'll split them into the zilart brothers. Maybe sareel ja becomes promathia for the finale. Or some fusion with altana
Something they really need to do is lower the swords for Shadowlord's sweep combo. I have my camera zoomed all the way out and it can be hard to tell where the gaps are on the clones if you're not already at them.
I did the 24-man raid yesterday… It was pain… Fun as hell, awesomely nostalgic, great music, but pain
fun fact, my 14 and 11 characters ARE the same, same race, same hair, same name everything I could copy over. has been since 1.0… but since I changed my email between 1.0 and 2.0 Squeenix wont give me my 1.0 status. ~<3
Where does the quests start
Played it with my best friend and at some point at least one of us was exclaiming "this must be a reference of some sort!!" haha. As someone who hasn't played XI, I gotta say I still enjoyed the raid, mechanically at least, and it definitely piqued my interest in XI. That said, I'm used to playing on controller, so if I ever gave that MMO a try, would have to get used to the good ol' keyboard + mouse.
Always love your streamđđŒ
Landing on the spikes and flying off looks like Mario hitting Lava; "MAMAMAAAAAAAAAA"
1:38:57 He is not alive. Hackfrauds of scriptwriters used gaslighting and from looking how everyone gladly eating this shitpie – gaslight WAS a success.
Crossover raid series with another IP with the armor being all black?
Welcome back Neir raids
I've never played XI so I appreciate the in depth video explaining all the little things that we might not ever get to experience. I love this start to the series.
Absolutely crazy seeing someone do this with west-coast ping lmao. Really fun raid though
59:59 bruh I imploded a linkshell as a kid bc I didnât get my bis in Sky lmao
Sareel Ja gets isekai'd and returns to deliver us a crossover raid. What a nice guy.
I can't help but wonder if they're going to at some point include a reference to the crossover event they had with XI before if you've done it.
Are u on gilgamesh?? What fc is this..
I played 10 years FFXI, on the back days so imagine how glad i am whith this content in FF14. I hope some day SE make a second part of rhe FFXI MMOROG with al his universe and all. Btw Dynamis was my favourite event. So ill be very hype if they do a referece at least in the ff14 of the Dynamis Lord and the ying yang fight. Anyways, ty Mrhappy for this great video remembering all those back and good days in ffxi!!
Everyones going to be Guichi till we get a Maat fight.