FFXIV: Island Sanctuary – All Buildings Finished – Glamour Reward!

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#FFXIV #Meoni #islandsanctuary

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

0:00 – Intro
2:39 – Lighthouse Complete
4:55 – Glamour Reward
8:24 – Glamour Dyes


49 thoughts on “FFXIV: Island Sanctuary – All Buildings Finished – Glamour Reward!”

  1. Honestly I'm totally cool with the main part of the t-shirt being kept white as I prefer that over getting a washed out color. I feel like I'm gonna use the whole set or pieces of it for my gathering jobs & the boots along with the shorts I will be using ALOT for other jobs!

  2. I had a feeling that IS wasn't going to be my cup of tea and I was right but I'm really happy to see so many people enjoying it, especially if it will keep interest in the game up during the downtimes.

  3. Everything about this mess is disappointing. I applaud your continued dedication to all things in the game, but for me this is a huge misfire. The painful first few ranks of Island Sanctuary made me go back in Valheim for actual gathering and building. I'll NEVER go to my Island Sanctuary again. Boring and pointless.

  4. For a long time, I want a school outfit with an armband in the game to recreate characters from Persona 3 or Kuroko from Railgun. The top might the closest and serve as a nice summer uniform.

  5. A bit disappointed with the island sanctuaries as i expected it to have more freedom like the housing system with placing and decorating a bit to some placement limit or something. And then after it turned out to be almost entirely predetermined i got disappointed again because there's pretty much no pointless minigames or pass such pass times or even things you can interact with in the "main base" area so pretty much all there is to do is wait for timers or grind gathering.
    I was really expecting more customization and random pointless things for just chillin' on the private island.

  6. Seems I'm ahead of the game. I just hit rank 9 and the only building I seem to have left to build is the lighthouse which will be done tomorrow morning.

    All other buildings are rank 3. I'm pushing for rank 10 tomorrow!

  7. Just reached this today, the turn in actually got me to rank 10. Currently trying to unlock the permits for the new landmarks, but the mats are selling for 2mil. So much for the island being completely separate, but crafters are gonna make bank.

  8. I'm jealous of people who reach island sanctuary in about a year's time, because I have enjoyed the content how it released, but it feels like it will really be great after a few updates where we hopefully get more to do and should get more customisation options like different paths that aren't 'grass', 'dirt', or 'the only actual stone path'.

  9. As you all saw, Meoni got 7,500 Island Exp for completing the quest with the Felictous Furball. This quest can be done at rank 9 as I've done it myself. So the exp will apply towards you going to rank 10 so it's not a waste. I hope that helps some people.

  10. I was wondering how you get that farmhand set, and now I know I won't be seeing it for a long long while quq
    Pretty neat how we get the whole set as a reward though!

  11. The lighthouse is not my cup of tea, initially I wanted to build it on the cliff but I always have to see it then 😂 I might have to switch the landmarks around a bit.

  12. got rank 10 and the shorts. bit disappointed you can't sell most of the stuff from the vendor. Doesn't look like i'll be raking in gil for maxing out early.

  13. FYI: You actually don't need either to be rank 10, upgrade all buildings to max, or build the lighthouse to unlock the quest that gives the glam, exp, and seafarer's cowries.

    You only need to have every plot have a facility built, unlock the 4th landmark zone (which happens at rank 9 and when maxing out cropland & pasture) and build any landmark to fulfill the requirement.

  14. The outfit offered is disgusting, we colonized an island by ourselves with magic automatons and they just stole an outfit from a farmer to offer it to us.

    I just threw it on the beach.

  15. What I like about these jeans is, that while there are other 'blue jean' legs in the game, they all just look… off somehow. The tailoring is all wrong and they don't really look like actual real world jeans. These are much closer.

  16. Thanks to timezones I got screwed by a day on this I would've had it yesterday but the maint and being in Japan threw it off a little bit Cannot wait to finally get these all done. I just have to wait a few hours and I'll have everything done besides lighthouse and fountain.

  17. I’m glad the 5 piece you get isn’t a variation of the backpack top. That would’ve made me feel worse about slowing myself when I bought it lol. I agree that it doesn’t dye great. Reminds me of the backpack top where I can’t change the color of the neck bandana.

  18. So i been watching island sanctuary videos but im still confused on whata the point of it ?!?! What do i benefit from that island ?! Great way to make gils ?! Or like i just dont get it ??!!..


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